Ball module

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Ball module
Ball module.png
Type Offensive PSI
Target Single target
Cast speed 24/min
Element Energy, Fire, Poison, Frost
Range 170m
LoS requirement Yes
PSI cost 67

Official description

The Crahn PSI Ball modules offer high close range damage. These modules allow the PSI user to create a large ball of the corresponding element which can be cast towards your opponent. Its damage is high but its slower cast and travel speed means you require a clear line of sight


Conjures a ball of energy that pursues it's target. Speed of the ball is slow, about 65 m/s.

  • High damage
  • Weak knockback effect on hit, similar to Nailgun
  • Projectile can be kited into geometry
  • Slow cast speed
  • Slow projectile

List of avaiable models


There is no rare version of this module type