Ceres Labs

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Revision as of 03:01, 8 May 2013 by Flib (talk | contribs) (updated section about closure)
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A ceres lab entrance


The Ceres Labs, also known as "WoC Caves" or "Ceres Biomechanical Labs", are the four dungeons scattered throughout the Wastelands in which there are humanoids called "Experimental Ceres Infantry Troopers" and "Prototype Ceres Infantry Troopers". These monsters are currently the only ones that can drop a <itemdb:link items="1237"/>. The four dungeons around the wastelands are identical to each other, thus sharing the same map/model and monsters. They consist of two levels, which are also identical to each other. However, the Prototype Ceres Infantry Troopers only spawn in the sub-level, meaning that if you are looking for a disk drop, the first level is obsolete.


The Ceres Labs may be found on the world map in wasteland sectors G 05, H 05, I 10 and J 16.

Titan-era closure

On the Titan server that is the current EU server, Ceres Labs were closed due to rampant exploiting.

Wisdom of Ceres disks dropped from groups of Ceres mobs in the wasteland for a time.

The Ceres Labs have been reopened after patching out the exploits.

See also