Clan:17th Squad

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17th Squad can be found on the Titan server
It is part of the City Mercs
This article is information on a Clan - Information contained within is standardised by the Clan Policies and story and information may not be related to the Neocron world or Lore.

17th Squad

About the 17th Squad

The 17th Squad was founded by a small group of soldiers and mercenaries alike that shared a vision on City Merc defenses.

The squad was founded in the year 2756 with the objective to provide City Merc faction members and friendly runners with safe residence and passage through City Merc territory.

The 17th Squad exists of a group of elite soldiers and mercenaries working under strict code and rules to enforce the law.

You can rest assured that you remain under the 17th Squad's protection while traveling through City Merc territory so long as you have good intentions.

Should you visit with less than good intentions you can expect to be dealt with through force.


The 17th Squad maintains a found relationship with the Tangent Technologies Omni-Tek Corporation providing protection in exchange for trade services.


  • To provide City Merc faction members and friendly runners with safe residence and passage through City Merc territory;
  • Re-claim City Merc territory by taking controle over outposts deamed property of City Merc;


  • You may not open fire on other runners in City Merc territory;
  • You must direct message the 17th Squad A.S.A.P. should you run into trouble;
  • You may defend yourself when attacked, but you must still direct message the 17th Squad A.S.A.P.;
  • Self defense will be reviewed at all times;
  • Outposts property of City Merc must remain under 17th Squad's controle to ensure a safe environment;


Rank 1

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Rank 2

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Rank 3

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