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Passive psi use

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Passive PSI Use(PPU)

A Psychic power subskill, dictates the prerequisites and effectiveness of supportive PSI modules. It has very high influence on damage, high on aiming and moderate to low on frequency, handling and range. "Damage" stat in this case is the strength of the heal and shields.

Stat PPU
Damage 70%
Frequency 30%
Range 20%
Handling 20%

Self-cast bonus

Reaching 112 points in PPU greatly improves defensive PSI modules, gaining additional damage mitigation.

Glove Implant

To use any PPU module, you need to have PSI Combat Glove installed. Any non-Tank runner starts with Crahn 'Novice' Gauntlet that can be implanted without any tools or Implant Gel. All Monk professions start with Crahn Heal , basic PPU heal module.

Class limitation

Tank cannot develop any PSI abilities and cannot put any points in PPU.