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Here is a List of Neocron emotes. They are rigged to go off if any of their triggers are used in ANY chat line. Or if you type /e or /emote <trigger> you can use them wordlessly. It is funny to hear when people find out certain swear words have emotes in Neocron and watch them curse a blue streak for 20 minutes to test it out.  But on this list I have left the obvious curse words out to protect people who may be offended. There may be some I missed since I don't speak French or German.
Here is a l
ist of Neocron emotes. They are rigged to go off if any of their triggers are used in ANY chat line. Or if you type /e or /emote <trigger> you can use them wordlessly. It is funny to hear when people find out certain swear words have emotes in Neocron and watch them curse a blue streak for 20 minutes to test it out.  But on this list I have left the obvious curse words out to protect people who may be offended. There may be some I missed since I don't speak French or German.
[[category:World Systems]]
[[category:World Systems]]

Revision as of 11:02, 4 November 2007

Here is a l ist of Neocron emotes. They are rigged to go off if any of their triggers are used in ANY chat line. Or if you type /e or /emote <trigger> you can use them wordlessly. It is funny to hear when people find out certain swear words have emotes in Neocron and watch them curse a blue streak for 20 minutes to test it out. But on this list I have left the obvious curse words out to protect people who may be offended. There may be some I missed since I don't speak French or German.

Emote Trigger Words
Applause applaus, beifal, klatsch, zugabe, clap, applause, clapping, praise, jeering, ovation, excellent, bravo, superbe, magnifique
Blownose naseputzen, blownose, sneeze, tissue, moucher, grippe, rhume, atchoum
Bored oede, wart, warten, bored, wait, waiting, bore, jaded, fedup, ennui, attendre, attente
Brush Hair haar, hair, brush, cheveux, recoiffer, coiffer
Brush hair 2 eitel, vain, comb, certes
Bye cya, bye, laterz, adios, tschuess, ciao, salut
Calm Down ruhig, ausruhen, pause, still, ruhe, calm, rest, break, hold, silence, chil, subside, relax, soothe, chut, calme, calmement, silencieusement, discret, discrètement
Check Time zeit, uhr, heute, jetzt, minuten, stunden, min, time, hour, today, now, minute, heure, minute, temps, maintenant
Cheer freu, freude, jubel, jippie, gewinner, glad, joy, cheer, winner, youpi, victoire
Clean Clothes sauber, clean, propre, nickel, épousseter, dépoussiérer, poussière
Cool cool, ql, geil, schon, happy, gut, hot, nice, good, content, extra, bien, puissant
Cover Ears taud, deaf, silence, sourd
Furious aerger, ärger, sauer, verdammt, verflucht, angry, furious, pissedoff, upset, livid, fuming, mad, irate, furie, colère, courroux
Giveup ergeben, giveup, loose, surrender, stop, quit, abandonne, pitié
Happy yeah, yea, yipee, wow, roxx, juhu, jippieh, jip, super, klasse, génia, youpi, sympa, excellent, glück, froh, sieg, gewonnen, happy, happiness, win, won
Hello hello, hallo, hi, bonjour, allo, ello
Hello2 wb, willkommen, welcome, yo, wassup, coucou
Hero held, heldin, anfuhrer, hero, heroin, leader, dirigeant, héros, héroine
Hero 2 siegreich, heldenhaft, victory, heroic, gaah, héroique
Honor greetings, pleasure, greets, gruss, ehre, salutations, bienvenue, honneur, bravo, félicitations
Kiss handkuss, kuss, liebling, lieb, handkiss, kiss, honey, love, kissable, amour, amoureux, baiser, bise, bisou, amant, amante
Kneel neider, kneel, crouch, respect
KOS kos, stirb, umbringen, umlegen, toeten, bastard, death, kill, dead, mort, crever, crève, bâtard
Laugh lach, grohel, lol, rofl, laugh, lmao, haha, héhé, drôle, rigolo, fun, marrant
Look Around(Near) wer, wo, wohin, richtung, who, where, seek, où
Look Around (Far) fernblick, ferne, veiw, distance, loin, éloigné, éloignée, lointain, lointaine
No no, nah, nope, nein, niemals, non, nan, jamais, pantoute, neg, nup, niet, nada, rien
Pray beten, pray, summon, implore, implorer, pardon, prie, prier, miséricorde *plus a few hidden triggers*
Provoke whassup, verpiss, verpissen, verzieh, verziehen, piss, approche, decrisse, dégage, fodern, salope *and a few additional cursewords*
Provoke2 anmachen, provoke, minable, péteux, pouffiasse, naze, demand
Sad mist, dreck, pisse, buhu, damn, sad, shit, verdammt, heul, sob, merde, zut, maudit, argh, putain, chiasse, bordel
Sad2 niederlage, uebermacht, unterzahl, sad, defeat, outnumbered, cry, crying, triste, défaite, perte, cries
Salute eyey, salute, ayay, attention, hail, address, signal, chef
Sick mies, grausam, schletch, bitter, krank, verletzt, terrible, bad, sick, injured, malade, ouch, aie, douleur, affreux, blessé, blessée, souffrance, agonie
Stupid idiot, vollidiot, penner, stupid, abruti, imbécile, idiote, conne, niaiseux, épais, naze
Wave komm, wink, huhu, wave, hey, wuwu
Yes jo, yes, yup, ja, ok, okay, klar, oki, oui, ouais, yep, tiguidou , ouaip