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Rank is Neocron's version of Level. A runners rank is reflective of their experience and prowess during their time in game. It also is the a measure of difficulty, so as the number grows when facing runners and mobs, you should be increasingly cautious.
Player Rank
A runners rank is shown with 2 numbers (xx/xx) by their name when looking at another runner, or in the top of the skills (F5) menu for you personally. The first number reflects the Combat Rank, and the second reflects the Base Rank.
Combat Rank
A runners combat rank is formulated based on a mixture of the weapon being used (or in the top weapon slot when no weapon is active) and the combat skills of the player. The exact formula is not known, but the higher tl of the weapon mixed with the ranks of combat skills will increase the runners combat rank.
Base Rank
A runners base rank is the average of all of their current ability scores. Implants, armor and drugs adjust this rank as the ability scores change.
NPC Rank
NPCs each have a single rank. This number is formulated from a mixture of their stats, hitpoints and weaponry type.
Rank Interaction
Rank comparison in combat and teaming can have many different effects on the runner. Including overall difficulty, experience gain, money rewards, loot types and loot quantities.
PVP Combat
As with most MMOs a low ranked runner should engage in combat with those of a similar rank. Tactics and prowess can only get you so far when you start becoming greatly outranked.
PVE Combat
When engaging in combat with a NPC, the NPCs rank compared to the runners has various categories effected. If a NPCs rank is at or above the runners the runner will get full experience, money and loot options. As the runners rank grows above the NPCs, the experience, money and loot options will lower. Eventually to 0 in all categories. Note:Specialty loot (such as mission loot) is not affected.
When runners team together, they can share experience and money rewards. In order to do this their Combat Rank needs to be +/- 10 of the members of their team. If a runners are in a team with a variety of ranks, each runner will only share with those within +/- 10 combat rank, and will not share with those beyond.
Rank List
- 1-5 = /
- 6-7 = //
- 8-10 = ///
- 11-15 = ////
- 16-20 = <
- 21-29 = <<
- 30-35 = <<<
- 36-45= <<<<
- 46-55 = *
- 56-79 = **
- 80-127 = ***