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Personal NC fansite(under construction)

About User

Hi i am a 31 year old housewife from Northridge Ca. Neocron was my first ever MMO and I still have a large place in my heart for it. I have played various mmos since such as UO, WOW, COH, AA, SWG, DDO, LotRO, and seed. It saddens me Neocron does not have the volume games like WOW and COH have.

I love to fiddle with webpages/wikis and given freedom I'd like to do everything in my power to make this wiki a good one. I played on a beta of a game called seed where i was in a guild that sponsered a wiki everyone in the guild worked to try and make sure it was updated. :)

Thought on Neocron improvement

I do believe it is mainly due to lack of advertizing and lack of some quality of life features in the UI such as changing keybinds in game, more keybinds,(like turn right and left rather than strafe)(direct message reply)(follow)(targetnearest ally)

Id love to see all the "set" commands intigrated into the ui,(/set ctrl_externaldist x, /set gfx_rposcolor x) posibly even set some things in like mouselooking toggle(to be able to turn camera without turning char) to be able to scroll in and out camera distance. these things seem standard in the new end MMOs Id also like to see a list of emotes integrated into the ui. and maybe a few different RPOS styles to choose from. like neocron classic, a minimalistic rpos(very little borders. a customizable one where you can move the hp/map/chat/quickslot boxes


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My main character is KaybeeMG, She is a general Tradeskiller and Rifle user focusing on recycle, I have not really focused on anything and will probibly never excel in pvp but I stink at pvp anyhow, I take comfort in the fact I can remake all my stuff for practically nothing if I am ganked. I had hoped for a different face for kb but when I came back after 2 years her face and hair had been set to default. the hair was fixed but the face was not.

Kaybee is a fallen angel and makes her home in dome of york in the sector for fallen angels. She enjoys hanging out in the storage unit near her room or the water cleaning unit near the main tech angel store. I like colecting parts and selling said parts to players for half of store rate. KB is based on my SOE mage i use in table top.

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Kalyca is a private eye infiltrator I hope to get her into hacking and maybe driving as well. sure she will never get as good as a spy but I wanted 3 different classes and the Private eye options was more apealing than a tank. mainly cause tank females are ugly. yes uglier than the face I picked for Kal even.

Kal is my newest made character Kalyca is based roughly on my rogue type character that i use invarious table top genres. She os a semi childlike character who grew up on the streets fending for herself and scrounging to meet her basic needs. She trys to be a good girl but tends to like to collect shiny things.

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Octina is one of my signature charaters, She is often healing and or support, If she does use agressive magic she prefers poison types. I have her as a Psimonk Preacher working for biotech. I make Oct in some form on every mmo i play i always try to give her short black hair with bangs of some sort. The character Oct is based on has primal marks of a spider so the bangs cover her extra eyes.

Because the eyes are magic they allow her to see magic/psi and provide her with a focus for her spells I also like oct to have pets so a ppu monk is perfect for her. Oct also does not have the face I would have picked had I been given the option. But the gm i talked to said they are not supposed to change the faces.

Fansite links

Neocron Home

Neocron Official Forums

"Neoworks" My fanpage

"Techhaven.Org" tips, recipes, and a database

"Neoterm" tips, recipes, and maps

"Sheriff", Emotes, recipes, etc

"Ash Ridly" Apartment guide

Instant Messengers and useful links

Xfire a MMO based IM program

Trillian AIM/YIM/MSNIM/ICQ/IRC in one chat

Ventrillo Voice chat

Teamspeak Voice chat

Babel Fish translator

Time Zone converter