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Set Commands

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"Set Commands" are commands when typed in game will change basic settings of the game they usually start with a /set. when you start a phrase with a / people in the channal you are in will not see what you type.


Syntax: /zone <message> OR /z <message>
Values: the message to send
Description: Sends a message in “zone” chat mode, overrides the current chat mode.

Syntax: /local <message> OR /l <message>
Values: the message to send
Description: Sends a message in “local” chat mode, overrides the current chat mode.

Syntax: /team <message> OR /t <message>
Values: the message to send
Description: Sends a message in “team” chat mode, overrides the current chat mode.

Syntax: +team <name> OR +t <name>
Values: a player name
Description: Invites a player to join your team, respectively sends an application for joining his team to the player.

Syntax: -team <name> OR -t <name>
Values: a player name
Description: Removes a player from your team, respectively leave this player's team.

Syntax: /direct <message> OR /d <message>
Values: the message to send
Description: Sends a message in “direct” chat mode, overrides the current chat mode.

Syntax: +direct <name> OR +d <name>
Values: a player name
Description: Establishes a new direct connection. Subsequent direct chat messages are sent to this player.

Syntax: /clan <message> OR /c <message>
Values: the message to send
Description: Sends a message in “clan” chat mode, overrides the current chat mode.

Syntax: +ignore <name> OR +i <name>
Values: a player name
Description: Adds a player to the ignore list.

Syntax: -ignore <name> OR -i <name>
Values: a player name
Description: Removes a player from the ignore list.

Syntax: /sms <key>
Values: a key code between 'a' and 'z'
Description: Sends a short message.

Syntax: +sms <key> <message>
Values: a key code between 'a' and 'z', a text string
Description: Binds a new message to a short message key.

Syntax: -sms <key>
Values: a key code between 'a' and 'z'
Description: Unbinds a short message.

Syntax: /emote <keyword> OR /e <keyword>
Values: a single keyword
Description: Triggers an emotion anim for the specified keyword, if available.


Syntax: /set ctrl_hudallowmove 0|1
Values: 0=off 1=on
Description: Turning this option on allows for basic movement (forward, back, strafe) in R.P.O.S. move.
Should be turned off if you use WASD or a similar config for movement.
Note: Can be turned on/off in the main menu options as well.

Syntax: /set ctrl_mousefac <x>
Values: value between 0.0 and 2.0
Description: Sets the mouse sensitivity. Ignored in R.P.O.S. mode. Note: Can be set in the main menu options as well.

Syntax: /set ctrl_mouseinvert 0|1
Values: 0=default 1=inverted
Description: Inverts the vertical mouse axis. Ignored in R.P.O.S. mode. Note: Can be set in the main menu options as well.

Syntax: /set ctrl_mouselock 0|1
Values: 0=default 1=lock
Description: Locks the render buffer every frame, to fix the “mouse lag” issue with some gfx card/driver combinations. May cost some fps.

Syntax: /set ctrl_bob <x>
Values: value between 0.0 and 1.0 (default = 1.0)
Description: Controls the amount of “bobbing” (up and down movement) you experience while walking/running through Neocron.


Syntax: /quit
Values: none
Description: Exit game.

Syntax: /set kill_self 1
Values: 1
Description: Instant suicide.

Syntax: /set reset_position 1
Values: 1
Description: After a delay of some seconds, the player's position is reset to a predefined position in the same zone.


Syntax: /set gfx_hudcolor <x>
Values: 0=default >0=user defined
Description: Switches between R.P.O.S. color schemes. Use a value of 0 to select the default scheme, and 1..x to select a user defined scheme. See [your Neocron directory]inirposcolor.ini for more informations.
Syntax: /set ctrl_renderhud 0|1
Values: 0=off 1=default
Description: Supresses the rendering of the user interface (R.P.O.S.). Although not visible, the interface is still full functional.

Syntax: /set ctrl_sfxvolume <x>
Values: value between 0.0 and 1.0
Description: Sets the sound effects volume. 0=mute, 1=full volume.

Syntax: /set ctrl_musicvolume <x>
Values: value between 0.0 and 1.0
Description: Sets the mp3 music volume. 0=mute, 1=full volume.

Syntax: /set ctrl_musicdefaultset <x>
Values: x=[1..n], 0=off
Description: Sets or disables the music set (see [your Neocron directory]inibgmusic.ini) for zones w/o explicit music set. (e.g. apartments)


Syntax: /set sys_messages 0|1
Values: 0=default 1=on
Description: Beta test only. System messages on/off. Turning them on can help finding bugs, but usually very fast floods the chat window.

Syntax: /set ctrl_globalchat 0|1
Values: 0=off 1=default
Description: Beta test only. Enables or disables incoming global (zone) chat messages.

Chat Keys

Only available in R.P.O.S. mode.

Pos1 Place cursor to start of edit line.
End Place cursor to end of edit line.
Backspace Deletes char left of cursor.
Del Deletes char at cursor.
left/right Moves cursor position in edit line.
up/down Scroll through command history. Everything except plain chat messages is stored in the command history.

IMPORTANT: If you enable movement in R.P.O.S. mode (see /set ctrl_hudallowmove), you must press the ACTION key (default: ALT key) together with the left/right/up/down cursor keys.

-- Thankyou to J. Folsom for his neocron forum post on which this page is based.