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Baneful Spider Cave

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Scenery surrounding Baneful Spider Cave in C 06
Entrance to Baneful Spider Cave
Morrish, who gives you a Mission to kill numerous Spiders inside the Cave

The Baneful Spider Cave is the most dangerous Cave in the World of Neocron
It is located in Sector C 06 at the Coastline
To get there by foot, you have to walk across the Cliffs in the Southwest of the Map and head North once you made your way to the coast
So suggested Armour for this Cave is Carbon Armour and PA1-4 or WoC PA, not Camo


The mobs in the Baneful Spider Cave do poison, piercing and force damage, the most dangerous enemy is the small melee spiders. The spider nests spawn melee spiders continuously are are second priority.

  • Spider Nests : 120/120 spawn melee spider of various colors
  • Melee Spider: various colors, intended to be small, fast glass cannons, they melee with a knife sound effect. If you hear this you are in mortal danger, circle strafe immediately.
  • Cavespider of Doom: A boss, drops parts for the Wisdom of Ceres armor quest as well as a potential trophy.