Brass knuckles

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Brass knuckles
Brass knuckles.jpg
Type Lowtech melee
Fire mode Stroke
Attack speed 75/min
Range Melee range
Stamina cost 2

Official description

Simple ways to improve a user's chances in hand-to-hand combat have always been common. In the early days, things such as chains were worn around the fists to inflict more damage. However, because chains hadn't been properly cushioned, they not only hurt the opponent but the user as well.

Fighting with brass knuckles is the same as fighting with bare fists. The metal is used in order to inflict more damage when landing a proper blow. The knuckles are cushioned on the insides so that the metal does not hurt the user when he strikes his opponent. Knuckles fashioned with brass are more massive and do greater damage.


On hit, this weapon deals Icon piercing.png and Icon force.png damage.

  • Good attack speed
  • Low stamina cost
  • Mediocre damage

List of avaiable models
