Ceres Project

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The Ceres project was launched by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) of 2010, and was intended to the store all human knowledge on a collection of holodiscs. Ceres is the Roman name of the Greek goddess Demeter, who was worshipped in ancient Greece as the mother of the earth and the goddess of fertility. The name was chosen because the knowledge of mankind is considered the seed (physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, etc.) as well as the fruit (technology, architecture, medicine, agriculture, etc.) of planet Earth.

During a press conference in 2028, Dr. Karmann, leader of the Ceres Project, explains that if a primitive civilization were to gain access to all the information the Ceres Project contains, it would be able to build nuclear plants after a few decades. A year later in 2029, Dr. Karmann is found murdered and the Ceres Project is withdraw from the MIT and reclassified as top-secret. Sometime in 2035, it is rumoured that the Ceres Project has been continued in secret by the NSA, with numerous agents assigned to ensure the project is kept up to date. The project is relocated, presumably to an isolated, hermetically sealed laboratory compound, where it will be safe in case of an environmental catastrophe or a war.

In game

The Ceres project introduces storyline characters as volunteer run roleplaying characters. TheGM's attached to the Ceres group is also responsible for organizing in game events such as the Masters of the Universe tournament.

See Also