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Co-Dees Sushi Bar

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Co-Dee's Sushi Bar

Co-Dees Sushi Bar sell drinks, snacks and light meals. The restraunt can be located in both Plaza Sec-1 And Techhaven Sec-2

Items Sold


Sin Soda

Sin Soda

Cab Cola

Cab Cola

Fizzy Soda Pop

Fizzy Soda Pop

Choc Chogger

Choc Chogger

Coco Candy

Coco Candy

Trash-Fresh Lemon

Trash-Fresh Lemon

Trash-Fresh Orange

Trash-Fresh Orange

Sin Cola Light

Sin Cola Light

Sin Cola Ultralight

Sin Cola Ultralight

Powerbooze Gold

Powerbooze Gold

Powerbooze Silver

Powerbooze Silver

Synthetic Wine

Synthetic Wine

Synthetic Wine Plus

Synthetic Wine Plus

Green Bull Light

Green Bull Light

Green Bull Boost

Green Bull Boost

Synthetic Grape Juice

Synthetic Grape Juice

Synthetic Milk

Synthetic Milk

Cron 55 Beer

Cron 55 Beer

Warbot Cola

Warbot Cola

Cheap Booze

Cheap Booze



Synthetic Whisky

Synthetic Whisky

Jack Whisky

Jack Whisky

Snow White

Snow White

Preachers Choice Full Blend

Preachers Choice Full Blend

Milky Ren

Milky Ren

Reezas Irata Power Snack

Reezas Irata Power Snack

Coconut Dream Double Bar

Coconut Dream Double Bar

Poisoned Cron 55 Beer

Poisoned Cron 55 Beer


Grilled Flounder on Seaweed Salad

Grilled Flounder on Seaweed Salad

Baked Wasteland Potatoes with Rice

Baked Wasteland Potatoes with Rice

Grilled Crab with Smoked Fish

Grilled Crab with Smoked Fish

Boiled Scorpion in Spinach

Boiled Scorpion in Spinach

Delicious Crab Soup

Delicious Crab Soup

Nigiri Sushi

Nigiri Sushi

Poisoned Sushi

Poisoned Sushi


The sushi bar is named for the long time lead developer Daniel Ludwig. His screenname was "CoDi" as abbreviation for "Code Disaster".