Fusion cannon
Type | Hightech heavy weapon |
Fire mode | Single shot |
Rate of fire | 46/min |
Range | 541m |
Mag size | 20 |
Reload | 2.5s |
Projectile type | Projectile |
Projectile speed | 76 m/s |
Default ammo | Fusion cannon cell |
Official description
The fusion cannon represents the latest development in cold-fusion weapon technology. Originally developed for the heavy weapon support teams of the City Mercs, the fusion cannon is distinguishable through high firepower and destructiveness. The disadvantages of the fusion cannon are its heavy weight and awkwardness
With standard amunition, this weapon deals damage.
Fusion weapon technology from Fusion rifle does not apply to this weapon, each shot does the same damage regardless of range
AoE damage falloff
Damage of this weapon does less damage the more distance is from target to center of the explosion, dealing about 66% less damage on the edge.
- High damage per shot
- Projectiles do damage in big AoE
- Reticle is always closed - perfect accuracy
- Slow projectile speed
- Slow fire rate
- When projectile's point of impact is in the view, the screen briefly flashes in white, making it annoying both to the user and the targets
- Explosion does self-damage
Ammo mods
- Fusion cannon cell - Advanced: Energy, Force
- Fusion cannon cell - Alpha: Energy, Force, X-ray
- Fusion cannon cell - Nitrogen: Energy, Force, Fire
List of avaiable models
- Malediction Increased range