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Ion drone

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Ion Drone
Ion drone.jpg
Fire mode 3 shot burst
Rate of fire 51/min
Ammo reserve 240
Range 170m
Energy reserve 1512
Distance 840m
Speed factor 4.50

Official description

This new drone is based on ion technology. Little is known about it as no specific information has been released to the public yet.


Drone deals Icon energy.png and Icon xray.png damage.

  • High damage per burst
  • Blinding flash adds another layer of annoyance to players
  • Slow fire rate
  • Higher TL versions need to be downloaded from Hacknet

Variant: Burning Ion Assault Drone

This version of the drone has identical stats, but deals more Icon energy.png damage and Icon fire.png damage instead of x-ray. Drone that is reward of Mr. Jones Rigger profession, ZG 21 Drone is of this type.

List of avaiable models