Junk knife

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Junk knife
Junk knife.jpg
Type Lowtech melee
Fire mode Stroke
Attack speed 49/min
Range Melee range
Stamina cost 5

Official description

The junk knife is the favorite weapon of the smaller mutants. Completely assembled out of trash and junk, it is the cheap, but less efficient alternative to the other knives avaiable


On hit, this weapon deals Icon piercing.png and Icon poison.png damage.

Poisoned weapon

Each hit applies Poisoned negative effect, dealing 3 Icon poison.png damage per second per stack for 8 seconds.

  • TL 21 version can be recycled from common junk
  • Decent damage potential when stacked damage over time
  • Damage over time can be easily purged by PPU or nanites
  • Slow attack speed

List of avaiable models
