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Legacy THNapi:Release Notes

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Release Notes

Here are the release ntoes for the THN API and Item DB. Since the THN API accesses the Item DB for it's data, it's possible the Item DB may get a release, but not the THN API.

For versions 1.0.x of the THN API and versions 1.4.x of the Item DB, there was 2 seperate version numbers.

For the Item DB 1.5.0 onwards, the THN API is now used by the Item DB 1.5.0, so the THN API version now shares the same version as the Item DB.

THN API 1.0.0 - Item DB 1.4.2(Feb 9 2008)

  • This is the first release of the THN API.

THN API 1.0.0 - Item DB 1.4.2a (Feb 9 2008)

  • The JQuery Javascript core library was moved to be part of the whole THN website, and removed from the Item DB's own core Javascript files.

THN API 1.0.1 - Item DB 1.4.2a (March 10 2008)

  • This release fixes an issue where wiki content within THN API tags was not rendered.

THN API 1.0.2 - Item DB 1.4.3 (April 20 2008)

This release features a lot of enhancements to the THN API and also resolves some issues picked up with the 1.0.1/1.4.2 release.

Item DB Changes

  • Browser and formating fixes
  • IE7 and Firefox users - updated CSS style sheet, so that all PNG images have a black background colour.
  • IE6 users - If the image is a PNG image, it is converted to a GIF image.
  • Improved dateadded/updated date information on detailed item displays.
  • Updated all Jquery files to the latest and greatest versions in most cases, and also all .pak.js files have been changed to .min.js files.
  • Rewrote the Joomla mambot THN API parser, so you can now use the same style of commands from the wiki in Joomla pages.
  • New section added - THN API - See the THN API menu at the bottom of the page
  • Added option to toggle the showing and hiding of Item ID's in item listings
  • Link added to THN API documentation
  • List of item groups added

THN API Chnages

General changes

  • Changed API communication layer to use CURL
  • Added fix/workaround for IE6 PNG issues
  • Improved parameter checking to provide more meaningful error messages
  • Format attribute added to nearly all commands, this is reserved for future use, and could be dropped from certain commands. In other words, don't use this attribute yet!

New commands

Command changes

  • Added position attribute to item_db:link command
  • Order changes. All items ID's listed in the items attribute are now displayed in the order listed by default.
  • New order parameter addded - See THNapi:Order_sorting_options
  • The order changes and the order parameter applies to the following commands.
    • itemdb:link
    • itemdb:link_icon
    • itemdb:show_block
    • itemdb:show_block_right
    • itemdb:show_hoz
    • itemdb:show_ver
    • itemdb:show_ver_right
    • itemdb:show_full_details
  • Item ID ordering - the following faction commands show items in TL and then item name order.
    • itemdb:show_faction_block
    • itemdb:show_faction_block_right
    • itemdb:show_faction_hoz
    • itemdb:show_faction_ver
    • itemdb:show_faction_ver_right
  • Item ID ordering - the following faction commands show items in Item group and TL order.
    • itemdb:show_group_list
    • itemdb:show_view
    • itemdb:show_list
  • itemdb:show_view command now has a viewoption command to specify an optional parameter (Needed for the FSM and FDB views)

THN API 1.0.3 - Item DB 1.4.4 (May 8 2008)

This is a minor feature update release to add Plural and qty support to for the following commands. THNapi:Link_Icon and THNapi:Link. Please note plural support is very basic, it doesn't take into account all of the rules of English Plurals [1]

THN API 1.0.4-Beta - Item DB 1.4.4 (May 12 2008)

This is a minor release to improve compatibility with the NC-Wiki extension when loading Javascript libraries. The changes will be finalised for version 1.0.5

THN API 1.0.5 - Item DB 1.4.5 (25th May 2008)

This release adds a few small features to the THN API, and addresses some compatibility issues with the NC-Wiki Extension. This also fixes a small bug in the Item DB.

There were some more feature updates planned (Such as Nanite support), but due to the NC servers being offline these will be added another time.

Item DB Changes

  • Bug fix: Modifiers data is now shown for Drugs. (It was missing before)
  • Enhancement: Hide modifers and requirements columns if there is no modifers or requirements data to be shown for all the items in the group

THN API Changes

  • New level parameter for THNapi:Show_group_list, THNapi:Show_view and THNapi:Show list commands. This adds the ability to chnage what heading level the heading is.
  • Changed way the headers was loaded - it now checks to see what JS extensions has been loaded by the NC-wiki and now uses the proper hook within the wiki

THN API 1.0.6 - Item DB 1.4.5 (13th June 2008)

This is a small bugfix release to address some current caching issues with the THN API.

  • Enabled wiki caching of items. A improved cache solution will be released in the next major release (Version 1.1)
  • The THN API now sends the Jquery and CSS headers for all pages, regardless whether an item is shown or not. This is due to a technical limitation of using the wiki cache, and will be re-addressed in the next release.

THN API/Item DB 1.5.0 (25th June 2008)

This release is a major re-write of the THN API. The sucessful but non-standard http access information has been replaced with a full blown SOAP interface. (aka Web service).

Also the THN API is now used by the Item DB. This is to removed shared code and files that was being duplicated for the THN API. Any duplicated code in the Item DB has been removed.

As a result of this change, the item DB and the THN API now use the same version number. This means the THN API version is now 1.5.0

Item DB Changes

  • The http THN API has been dropped and is no longer supported.
  • Access to pages with ?format=xml is no longer available and is no longer supported.
  • New THN API web service interface available - the WSDL is avialable at This interface has been tested with .NET 2.0 and PHP5.2.6. Other web services clients should work.
  • API keys are availble please PM Brammers.
  • New feature - Web links - Items now have links to web pages on the item (Such as Smuggler pages)

THN API Changes

  • The THN API code has been updated to work using the new Web service interface
  • New cache layer added - this should speed up display times on pages - Big thanks to User:StevenJ for his help and input in coming up with a good and decent solution.
  • Rate limited the number of SOAP calls that can be made in one go
    • The limit is 50 calls - the limit does not apply to cached items.
    • If the limit is exceeded, a temporary error message is displayed, requesting the user to reload the page
    • On refresh, the next outstnding 50 calls will be made.
    • For example if a page has 150 item db tags, it will take 3-4 reloads. The extra reload may be down to the THNapi doing some housekeeping calls to make sure it is up to date.
  • Commands api:show_commands_html and api:show_commands_xml have been dropped and replaced by api:tags
  • All existing tags are now available as a web service - use <api:tags/> to see the web service function name.
  • The Item DB wiki tag extension parser has been moved to the NC-Wiki Extension.
  • New web service function GetCluetipHTML - Used for retrieving Cluetip information
  • New web service function GetAPIversion - Gets the current THN API version that should be used
  • New web service function GetAPIminVersion - Gets the minimum THN API version that can be used
  • New web service function GetChangedItemsList - Returns the items that have been added or changed
  • New web service function LinkUpdate - Used for creating links on items to web pages
  • New size param added to itemdb:link_icon amd itemdb:icon defaults to full. Options are
    • full - shows image at the full size
    • size-x width will scale the image to be no more than the width specifed
    • size-y height will scale the image to be no more than the height specifed
    • width,height will scale the image to the height and width specified
  • Style param changes now accepts any style name so long as the name has letters and underscores
    • Built in styles to the stylesheet, black, none, and thn. The default style name has been dropped - please use thn instead
    • To add new styles, the CSS style name must begin with img.icon_item_ eg img.icon_item_mine and put mine in the style param.
  • link_icon command has changed - the style param is available and defaults to none
  • icon command has changed - the style param now defaults to none

THN API/Item DB 1.5.1 (27th June 2008)

This is a bug fix release to address a few issues discovered since the release of 1.5.0. No features have been added.

  • Cache - Fixed a cache hashing error that would cause 2 different commands for the same error to use the same data.
  • Cache - Fixed an issue where freshly updated items where not removed from the cache.
  • Cache/Links - Fixed an issue where if an item was removed from a page it would not force the cache to be updated
  • Links - Fixed some SQL errors with the bulk Link commands

THN API/Item DB 1.5.2 (16th July 2008)

This is a planned feature release, which aims to add improvements and enhancements to the THN API.

Item DB changes

  • Links - If the link on the page is the same as the link in the cluetip popup, it is shown as white bold text with no hyperlink (Known issue: This feature will not work on browsers which don't send referer string.)
  • New Metadata support - Columns and extra data can be added to items without needing a new release
  • Scriptaculous (Used for the Item DB Editor) has now been totally removed, and replaced with JQuery.

THN API Changes - General

  • The THN API have been seperated from Joomla and moved to a new URL. Without the Joomla overhead on loading the code, this should give over 50% performance increase, and is a lot more server friendly.
  • The WSDL has been moved to
  • Some new GetData... Webservice functions added
  • Some more Link webservice functions added for adding links

THN API Changes - Tags

  • New index attribute - controls where the link commands indexes the tag or not. Defaults to "yes"
  • New command - api:no_index - this disables indexing for a page completely
  • New repeat command tags for displaying items in a table or with <br/>
  • Bug fixes
    • Broken cluetip for ItemDB:Show_Faction_Block_Right fixes
    • Required params and optional params where the wrong way around for api:tags - this has been fixed

THN API/Item DB 1.5.3 (31st January 2009)

This is a minor bug fix release, no new features added.

  • Fixed "You do not have permission to view this format" bug on the THN
  • Fixed Repeat command to allow the position parameter to be used.
  • Fixed a small spelling error on the CSS used on itemdb_repeat_table

THN API/Item DB 1.5.4 (17th July 2010)

This is a small update and refresh release, no new functionality added.

  • IE6 Support dropped
  • JQuery updated to 1.4.2 All support libraries updated.
  • New Cache prefix added, defaults to thnapi-

THN API/Item DB 1.5.5 (19th July 2010)

Small API changes to make life a bit easier for using the THN api in the Rares DB

  • THN API now uses a Autoloader
  • A different class name can be specified for the THNapiSettings class

THN API/Item DB 1.5.6 (20th July 2010)

  • Changes to allow a different cluetip script.
  • Headers file split in CSS and JS parts, and moved out of the lib dir.
  • New functions to get just the CSS or JS part of the headers.
  • New options to get minified or full versions of the CSS/JS header files.

THN API/Item DB 1.5.8 (11th January 2011)

  • Update to JQuery 1.4.4
  • Item DB editor fixed - JQuery UI lib updated

THN API/Item DB 1.5.8 (Sept 2012)

  • SOAP API method GetData_ItemsView with "search" view now allows a search query to be specified via the viewoptions.

THN API/Item DB 1.5.9 (4th Feb 2012)

  • Compatibility updates for PHP upgrade.

THN API/Item DB 1.5.10 (19th Feb 2012)

  • Moved Power Armour, underwear and Holo-vests to their own pages
  • UI Improvement - Power Armour page is grouped by Class and Combat skill
  • UI Improvement - Armours are now grouped by type (Eg, Fire, Kevlar etc)
  • UI Improvement - Brain implants, eyes and backbones are now grouped by main requirement skill.


  • Move PHP API lib project to GIThub
  • Update JQuery libs to latest versions