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Mini rocketlauncher
From Neocron Wiki
Mini rocketlauncher
Type | Lowtech pistol |
Fire mode | Single shot |
Rate of fire | 22/min |
Range | 168m |
Mag size | 4 |
Reload | 2.5s |
Projectile type | Projectile |
Projectile speed | 78m/s |
Default ammo | Mini-rockets |
Official description
This weapon is a weapons platform at the size of a normal hand fire gun. It got as ammunition small rockets like its big brother the rocket launcher, though it is not that devastating like a real rocket launcher.
With standard amunition, this weapon deals and damage.
- This weapon deals AoE damage
- High damage per shot
- High range
- Very slow fire rate
- Slow projectile speed - can be dodged
- Very small magazine
- Rockets tend to be inaccurate, aim at the ground of the target
- Rockets deal self-damage
Ammo mods
- Mini-rockets - Anti-personnel: Force, Fire, Piercing
- Mini-rockets - High-explosive: Force
- Mini-rockets - Napalm: Force, Fire damage over time
List of avaiable models
- Sucker Punch Over twice the range of standard models