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This page will be used to Summarize the different aspects of programming, serving as an in depth design document as well as using different talk pages to discuss.

Please, if the wiki page doesn't exist, feel free to post your vision as a starting point, after that please first discuss any heavy changes you want to make, or input you have, on the talk page of the concerned page.

NcSource:Programming_weapons - This page contains the current state of the design of the weapons, the talk page can be used to discuss things

NcSource:Programming_playermodels - The player models need to be integrated (custom weapon animations and most importantly the sex emote), this page should list how we're going to do that, hopefully with custom class characteristics for each player model thingy, although we could also discuss that in NcSource:Programming_classes


NcSource:Programming_psi_healing_shields - how we're going to integrate psi healing and shields, maybe also nanites

NcSource:Programming_damage_model - How the damage model is going to function

NcSource:SVN_Structure - how the svn is arranged