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NcSource talk:Programming weapons
I think for the first death match release (mod with custom player models and weapons), we don't need set-ups or requirements yet, maybe just a speed penalty for using canons?
Please also either update the list in the page, or post your ideas here for weapons I might have missed we would like to add --Biglines 22:31, 25 February 2010 (UTC)
Can we do an do we want crosshair closing? --Biglines 00:44, 5 March 2010 (UTC)
Yes we certainly can do the crosshair thingy/recticle thingy, but i am not sure whether it may result in a performance hit. I have to think a bit about how we can implement it without messin' up with performance. Raycasts (looking who is the one under the crosshair) are normally performancehungry operations.
Yeah a small penalty for using cannons would be enough i think. Setting up requirements and the skill-based stuff is not very high on my priority list yet ;) --R2d22k 20:30, 5 March 2010 (UTC)