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Official description

Crahn parashock modules freeze the target, depending on the version and so make it easier to attack


Parashock modules reduce the target's movement speed by 20%, in a similar fashion to Freezer weapons. Single target Parashock lasts only 8s and with small degree of slowdown, this module is deemed as not very useful by the community.

Variant: Group Parashock

Group parashock module.png Applies single target Parashock module to every target in 20m around the caster

Variant: Parashock Sanctum

Parashock sanctum module.png Creates a 20m lingering field around the caster. After 10s, every target in the field will receive Parashock effect for 30s and will refresh once if target remain in the field. The field persist for 30s

Avaiable models


There is no rare version of this module