Patch Notes Summary (Category)
From Neocron Wiki
Page Context
Due to the sheer number of updates I've had to be somewhat selective with including changes which I think are of the most interest. I suggest looking at the Official Website Update Notes page and the Discord for more detailed and comprehensive records.
Latest Patch Notes Summary
- 14th December 2024 (2.5.589)
2017 (2.3 Released)
- Nerfed strength of armours
2019 (2.4 Released)
- Buffed armour stats
- Removed decimal values from armour modifiers
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Added ATH to underwear to tailor them towards speed builds
- Buffed the armour bonuses of high level armour
- Reworked armour requirements to create lower tiers of each armour set more accessible to other classes
- Reduced Tech Level & rescaled values of Heavy Kevlar armour from Tech Level 63 to 60
- Increased DEX bonus on most PE PAs
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Buffed strength of resist per skill point used and standardised between classes
- Buffed the viability of blessed PE
- Buffed the viability of HC PE
- Introduced a small delay before stealth can be activated
- Rebalanced APU to be a true glass cannon - highest damage, lowest durability
- Rebalanced PE to be more of a Jack of all trades
- Rebalanced Spy to be more of a glass cannon with technology
- Rebalanced Tank to be more of a true tanking character that takes damage but doesn't deal as much damage
- Reduced PAD shield strength & increased self-cast bonus to negate it's effect on the PPU
- Reworked resist caps to increase the difference between classes
- Increased self-cast shield modifier for PE & PPU
2019 (2.4 Released)
- Removed decimal values from drug modifiers
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Rebalanced and added new drugs
- Rebalanced Christmas seasonal dungeons to reduce difficulty
- Rebalanced Crahn Church to reduce difficulty
- Rebalanced Mech Haven to reduce difficulty
- Rebalanced El Farid to reduce difficulty
2017 (2.3 Released)
- Reduced broken leg malus
- Reduced Overall player damage and NPC healthpools
- Reworked starting point allocation of classes
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Improved nanite QoL by buffing mixed variety and lowering nanite activity per dose
- Increased broken leg malus slightly
- Reworked requirements of many items for better progression
- Buffed Crahn & Blessed booster modules
- Buffed resist point strength a little
- Nerfed foreign cast PPU shields by approx 5%
- Reduced activation delay of Jones stealth tool
2019 (2.4 Released)
- Buffed rare implant stats
- Removed decimal values from implant modifiers
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Rebalanced opposing tradeskill malus (generally removed)
- Reworked implants to refactor them into serving a purpose (e.g. damage, resist, speed, utility)
- Reworked many implants requirements for more standardised progression
- Removed Hack malus from PSI Gloves
- Increased Main Skill bonus on TL85 rare implants (SWAT, SF, RD, SS, CCC, CSC)
- Increased DEX requirements of Reflex Boosters v1-4
- Reduced Body Health bonus of the Explorer CPU
2019 (2.4 Released)
- Increased charges of v4 Booster/Medpacks from 10 to 20 (daily-mission items)
- Increased charges of Medkit, Stam boosters, PSI boosters & HCK boosters
- Ranks of Grim Chaser & Grim Persecutor swapped
- Rebalanced NPC health (general reduction)
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Reworked almost all NPC HP & damage to suit new player balance and offer predictable difficultly scaling
- Rebalanced NPC damage (tethered to their Rank)
- Rebalanced Wasteland mob damage (generally reduced)
- Reduced scale at which NPC HP scales so end game mobs aren't so bullet spongey
- Rebalanced several low level & high level NPCs to improve damage output consistency through NPC ranks
- Nerfed Vehicle damage
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Buffed responsiveness of vehicles
- Rebalanced HP & armour of vehicles
- Rebalanced Vehicle weapon damage (tied to TL)
- Reduced speed & agility of entry vehicles, whilst improving that of later vehicles to encourage investment to better vehicles
- Standardised recoil between vehicle weapon types, and reduced the most extreme recoil
2017 (2.3 Released)
- General
- Buffed accuracy & damage of AoE weapons
- Decreased self-damage modifier on AoE weapons
- Removed the bonuses added to epic, rare & WoC weapons to make more weapons viable
- Fixed DamageBoost so it works on NPCs
- Nerfed strength of Absorber, Deflector and Protector
- Heavy
- Buffed anti-vehicle weapons
- Pistol
- Nerfed damage of Ray of Last Hope
2021 (2.5 Released)
- General
- Rebalanced weapons to fit the following general damage profile APU > Rifle > Pistol > Heavy > Melee > Drones
- Rebalanced weapon damage (more closely tied to TL)
- Reworked ammo packs size, weight and number of damage types to introduce standardisation
- Reworked weapon class characteristic differences in order to give weapon classes a more distinct feel (range, recoil, stamina use, frequency)
- Increased the bonus that higher combat skill has on weapon damage
- Increased turret damage & price significantly
- Added AoE to APU ball and ball blast
- Rebalanced PSI cost of modules
- Increased Holy Restoration heal strength
- Reduced Holy Heal strength
- Rebalanced PSI cost of modules
- Drones
- Reduced HP & range of drones
- Heavy
- Increased effectiveness of anti-vehicle rockets against vehicles
- General
- Fixed accuracy on all weapons (every weapon should now hit approx 95% of shots with a fully closed reticle)
- Buffed damage of none AoE weapons
- Increased self-damage AoE modifier
- Reduced range of shotguns type weapons
- Reworked some ammo packets so that they can switch to 40/60 damage split on a primary/secondary damage type
- Increased the cast time of antibuffs
- Increased cast time of low-level shields to mitigate noob buffing
- Fixed a bug that made Soul Clusters almost invincible
- Reduced rez cast duration
- Heavy
- Reduced range of flamethrowers
- Pistol
- Buffed range of pistols
- General
- Reduced the time it takes for the aiming reticle to close
- Reduced frequency of some weapons to make them easier to use (SWAT Pistol, Judge, Ionic Shotgun Rifle, Terminator, Rapture, Second Love, Ionic Shotgun Cannon)
- Reworked hit chances to introduce a new standardised system between all guns in order to improve hit registration of single shot weapons
- Reduced quality % of MC5 weapon rewards in order to promote progressing to new weapons earlier
- Reduced damage & increased frequency of APU lances
- Fixed low level PADs to be useful before achieving self-cast bonus
- Increased duration of Crahn & Blessed Boosters to 10 minutes
- Increased the PSI cost of DamageBoost
- Increased projectile speed & splash damage size of PSI Ball Blasts
- Increased Damageboost cast time & increased PSI cost
- Melee
- Increased damage of single target Melee weapons by approx 10%
- Heavy
- Increased damage of single target Heavy weapons by approx 10%
- Increased range of Ionic Shotgun Cannon
- Increased range of Freezer Cannons
- Increased range of Raygun Cannons
- Increased range of Gatlin Cannons
- Pistol
- Reduced stam cost per shot of Ionic Shotgun pistol
- Reduced clip size of 8mm Automatic Pistol
- Increased damage of Nailgun Pistols
- Rifle
- Fixed a Rapture damage bug and increased it's damage
- Increased damage of pumpguns (Terminator)
- Increased range of pumpguns (Terminator)
- Increased range of Ionic Shotgun Rifle
- Reduced damage of Plasma Rifles
- Reduced clip size of Plasma Rifles
2017 (2.3 Released)
- Added new APU rare beam module (Holy Caustic Rain)
- Added new Ionic Crossbow Rifle
- Added new rare junk knife (Blackmist's Remorse)
- Added new rare pistol (Anarchist)
- Added new rare pistol (Sucker Punch)
- Added new rare PPU line of sight heal (Holy Restoration)
- Added new rare rifle (Second Love)
- Added new rare Stiletto (Soligen's Finest)
- Added new sets of furniture
- Added new WoC melee weapon (Warbots Bane)
- Added new WoC PSI gloves
- Added Halloween furniture
- Added new droner Power Armours
- Added new Tech Haven apartment, exclusive to FA players
- Added new tier (v4) of Medkit, Stam booster, PSI booster & Hack booster with higher number of consumable usage
2019 (2.4 Released)
- Added new spider & vehicles trophies
- Added new WoC 3 Power Armours
- Added new WoC melee weapon (Claw of the Lizard)
- Added new armour set (Viper King)
- Added new furniture options
- Added new high level PSI bones (Apparition)
- Added new missing Bat Queen bones to complete the set
- Added new tradeskill bones (Cryton's & Cryton's Best)
- Added new WoC hovercraft vehicle
- Added new WoC INT tradeskill gloves
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Added Forte variants to Serumderibat & Thyronol
- Added Improved LoM pills that take less XP away when used
- Added new high level bones (Cyborg, Scorpion, Shaman, Soldier, Viper)
- Added new levelling weapons which can be gained through recycling
- Added new rare APU lances (Holy Voltage, Holy Frostbite, Holy Corrosion, Holy Pyre)
- Added new rare APU PSI Attack (Holy Evisceration)
- Added new rare rifle with AoE effect (Rapture)
- Added new seasonal Halloween weapons (Pumpkin guns)
- Added new Trader Power Armours
- Added new trophies
- Added new APU Crahn & Blessed anti-protector modules
- Added new cosmetic model variants of Monk Power Armour
- Added new cosmetic model variants of Spy Power Armour
- Added new seasonal Winter weapons (Snowball guns)
- Readded missing trophies
- Added new cosmetic model variants of Tank Power Armour
- Added new high level hand grenades (Pathfinder Incendiary & Pathfinder Frag Grenades)
- Added new cosmetic variants of Private Eye Power Armours
- Removed the XP malus and lowered the credit malus of the Law Enforcer implant
- Introduced a third generation nanite heal tool (for GenTanks only)
2017 (2.3 Released)
- Added new mission to attain new implants (WoC PSI Gloves)
- Added new mission to attain new WoC melee weapon (Warbots Bane)
- Reworked starter MC5 area with new missions
- Added new daily missions for PvE kills (Job Centre)
- Added new daily missions for Tradeskillers (Job Centre)
- Added new Jones missions for Fallen Angel characters starting in Tech Haven
- Added new mission (NCPD Manhunt)
- Added new terminal missions for each faction under Very Hard difficulty
- Added new terminal missions for Hacknet kills
- Reworked the job centre to serve as a mission hub for players. Daily missions on 1st floor, low level missions on 2nd floor
2019 (2.4 Released)
- Added new mission to attain new WoC 3 Power Amours
- Added new mission to attain new WoC melee weapon (Claw of the Lizard)
- Added new missions to the Job Centre 3rd floor in Plaza 2
- Increased rewards for daily missions
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Added new mission (The Antique Heist)
- Added new mission to attain new AoE rifle (Rapture)
- Added new mission to attain new Trader Power Amours
- Added Pathfinder missions to C08 & J05 to help leveling beyond rank 40
- Increased XP rewards from most missions
- Reworked every starter city so you can easily level to /40. Each city has new dungeons and terminal missions
- Added Pathfinder missions to F04 & H08
- Reworked terminal missions to be more rewarding and suit new city dungeons
- Added Pathfinder missions to J10 & E12
- Completed implementation of Pathfinder missions with the addition of K15 & I16 missions
- Various QoL updates to Pathfinder missions
- The Canyon Challenge and Tactical Mercenary Run are now supporting "Warbot families" (You can kill any Warbot, not just 'Legacy Warbots')
- Altered the silver WoC Power Armor script, you can now decide yourself you want to trade in a V-30 a or C-30 version Power Armor
2017 (2.3 Released)
- Re-added Outzone 7 with a new wave mechanic. As you kill the mobs, stronger ones will spawn
- Reworked Club Veronique as a Faction Warzone. Hack the terminal inside to turn the guards loyalty
- Updated most outpost structures to be solid
- Updated numerous texts (descriptions, mails, infos, scripts, names)
- Added new dungeon (Mech Haven)
- Added new high level Hacknet mobs
- Added new low level Hacknet dungeon
- Added new low level Hacknet mobs
- Re-added all four Ceres BioGenetic Laboratories
- Re-added the GR at Escador Oasis (K15)
- Reworked Tech Haven and moved starting location of Fallen Angel characters there
2019 (2.4 Released)
- Added new dungeon (Baneful Spider Cave)
- Added new dungeon (Plaza Abandoned Cellar)
- Added new FSM blackmarket where barters can buy from any FSM
- Added new apartment complex in the Pepper Park Sectors
- Added new faction specific titles for completing your epic
- Added new title of Ronin, attained by completing all epics
- Reworked J05 spawns and loot tables to create a new level hub
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Added new dungeon (Abandoned Brotherhood of Crahn HQ)
- Added new dungeon (Seasonal Winter Wonderland map)
- Added new HEW store to Via 1
- Added new mobs, new mob placements and new missions to target each stage of the levelling progress
- Added new Points of Interest around the Wastelands
- Added new tradeskill hub to Plaza 1
- Reworked every starter city dungeon to create better levelling experience and introduce progression through the city
- Reworked naming conventions to be more intuitive and cohesive
- Reworked several Outposts to create more varied OP fights
- Added new additional exit hatches to all Outposts
- Added new mini dungeon in order to kill the MC5 Base Commander
- Added new variants of Warbots to the Wasteland along with trophies for each
- Disabled Mutant Faction takeovers from 18 Outposts
- Reworked J01 spawns and added a terminal to create a new level hub
- Reworked several Outposts to create more varied OP fights
- Updated wasteland spawns to reduce chance of double spawning
- Fixed El Farid dungeon door so the Queen doesn't get stuck
- Added tech part drops back to swamp mobs found the Swamps
- Added tech part & improved the drop chance of Y Rep Cyborgs found in the Canyons
- Added tech part drops to Sandcrawlers found in the Desert
- Added new Christmas decorations
- Added new "Omega" boss NPCs for events
- Reintroduced Reaperspiders (and the trophies) to the Wastelands
- Increased drop rate of Ceres modules (Spidercave) - The Queen now has a 100% drop chance for Ceres modules
- Updated NavRay with various dungeon locations
- Added Added new 2x2 junk - "Plant Fibers"
- NeoFrag 1 & 2 are now Safezones, with a GR & GoGo
- Updated profession descriptions in character creation menu
- Added new weather patterns
- Various fixes to content
- Various safe spots closed
- Various world actor fixes
- Added new textures, decals & actors
2019 (2.4 Released)
- Added new game item models
- Added a new BioGenetic Labs dungeon (WoC Launchers)
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Added new clothing options for characters
- Added new icons for various items
- Added new nanite buff icons
- Added new sync animations
- Added new cosmetic model variants of Private Eye Power Armour
- Restored the Ocean in Viarosso Apartments
Quality of Life
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Reduced intensity of some weapon animations to reduce discomfort they cause
- Optimised 106 models
- Remastered drones and some world actors
- Improved textures of all vehicles
- Improved visuals for all melee weapons
- Remastered GR model
- Remastered many world actors
2021 (2.5 Released)
- Graphical overhaul of Plaza & Viarosso sectors
- Improvements to skybox rendering
- Remastered & reimagined El Farid dungeon introduced
- Remastered desert buildings
- Remastered textures used in Plaza & Viarosso sectors
- Remastered various objects in the world
- Remastered Doomreapers family models (Grims, Doomreapers, Small Reapers)
- Remastered Outpost structures
- Remastered several more Pepper Park connected zones
- Remastered several Pepper Park connected zones
- Remastered more world actors & decals
- Remastered Pepper Park sectors
- Remastered the NC Subway & more outpost structures
- Re-created El Farid dungeon map
- Added new tool & PA icons
- Fixed Soulcluster/Apparition hitbox
- Fixed incorrect Mechbeetle texture
- Fixed stealth effect icon
- Re-mastered NeoFrag 1 & 2 Map
- Created better quality temp effect icons
- Reworked over 500 world textures
- All indoor Sectors have been updated with HD textures
- Adjusted textures and several other issues in the Subway
- Adjusted textures and several other issues in Outzone Station
- Adjusted textures and several other issues in Desert Underground City
- Adjusted textures and several other issues in all Outposts
Bug Fixes
2017 (2.3 Released)
- Fixed a bug which could cause some players to be invisible
- General bug fixes, client stability updates and QoL updates
- Fixed a bug that stopped players seeing NPC animations
- General bug fixes, client stability updates and QoL updates
2019 (2.4 Released)
- Fixed weather effects
- General bug fixes, client stability updates and QoL updates
- Fixed game crashing bug from multi-lightning
- General bug fixes, client stability updates and QoL updates
2021 (2.5 Released)
- General bug fixes, client stability updates and QoL updates
- General bug fixes, client stability updates and QoL updates
- Fixed a bug where self-cast bonus & temp effects could be lost when zoning
- Fixed mouse scroll wheel in trader windows
- General bug fixes, client stability updates and QoL updates
- Fixed speed on ladder, while using high FPS
- Fixed loot rights
- Fixed an issue which caused the game to crash when the client exceeds 2G of RAM (the cause of most crashes)
- Various other bug fixes
2017 (2.3 Released)
- Improved dynamic lighting
- Improved game precaching to reduce potential stutter
- Improved netcode
- Improved numerous areas of the codebase
- Improved particle effect performance
- Improved the item description window
- Improved the weapon codebase
- Reimplemented the damage logs
- Improved proxy network code
- Released a new game launcher
2019 (2.4 Released)
- Improved internal resource management
- Improved item tracking
- Improved language support
- Improved several AI scripts
- Improved sync performance
- Improved NavRay code
- NPCs have a single rank instead of having CR & BR
- Improved how self-cast modifier is calculated
- Several improvements to how the engine handles lighting
- RPOS Improvements
- Improved vendor trade window to include; searching, more quantity options and sorting
- Added additional information to the Item detail page stating if an item can be dropped or loses condition after repair
- Blueprint info window will highlight parts you have in your inventory
- Improved the ingame settings window with more options and enabled auto saving of these settings every 30 seconds
- Improved the team/clan tags to be highlight white when that player is fully PAD
- The RPOS Team Window now contains, loot right settings, clan tag options, and simple buff indicators
- Temp Effect Improvements:
- The temp effect progress bar now represents the percent time complete
- Temp effect icons now show time remaining in seconds
- Drug effect icons now display their drug icon, drug name, and time remaining
- Outpost Fight Improvements:
- Deactivated the Hacknet part for Outpost takeovers. Every layer is now hacked from the Output hack terminal
- Hack blocking is now disabled, each side have their own timers
- Increased the delay between hacks
- Created adjustable variables for layer amounts, layer delays, and hacknet involvment. NST can now easily modify these settings
- Created a custom message to indicate how much time is left before you can hack again vs just saying "please wait 60 seconds"
- Created a custom message to indicate if an Outpost is currently comprimised
New Features
2017 (2.3 Released)
- Added ability to move single & whole stacks by holding SHIFT/CTRL whilst moving items
- Added Item-swapping, except for items in your inventory.
- Added Loot-Rights. With ALT+0 to ALT+5 you can select who might be able to loot your NPCs. This applies just loot NPCs.
- Added new coloured damage indicators to show the damage types being inflicted
- Added new controls to drones. Droners can now control the distance to ground with Duck and Jump keybindings.
- Added vendor item sorting
- Team XP applies to secondary main skills
- Readded Hint of the day
2019 (2.4 Released)
- Added item grades that allow us to create legendary like items
- Added Spanish language support
- Added Borderless Fullscreen & Borderless game configuration options
- Team XP is now based of BR
- Added 144+ FPS / >60HZ support
- Added HUD whilst in sniper scope
- Added more Latin1 characters
- Added ability to sort GRs alphabetically asc/desc
- Added a new slim HUD setting to the options window to reduce the bloat in the main UI
- Added a new HUD feature called target info. Player health and/or effects are now visible in the HUD when a player or NPC is targeted. This setting can be toggled in the options window
- Drop all now available in containers / GoGo (PTS exclusive pending further testing)