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S.W.A.T. Backup Gun
From Neocron Wiki
S.W.A.T. Backup Gun
Type | Lowtech pistol |
Fire mode | Single shot |
Rate of fire | 88/min |
Range | 277m |
Mag size | 16 |
Reload | 2.5s |
Projectile type | Projectile |
Projectile speed | 500m/s |
Default ammo | S.W.A.T. 9mm Clip |
Official description
No information about this item
- WoC Dex 1
- Dexterity 96
- Pistol combat 102
With standard ammunition, this weapon deals damage.
- High rate of fire
- Accurate
- High range, even greater than Laser Pistol
- High recoil
- Over higher distances, not-so-great projectile speed
Ammo mods
- S.W.A.T. 9mm Clip - Marker : Piercing, Fire damage over time
- S.W.A.T. 9mm Clip - Paralyzer : Piercing, Slowdown effect
- S.W.A.T. 9mm Clip - Shocker : Piercing, Energy damage over time
This weapon is a possible reward for completing Dome of York Mission