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Neocron Wiki:Map Plugin Guide

From Neocron Wiki
Revision as of 11:41, 20 May 2008 by Brammers (talk | contribs) (Early draft of map plugin guide...lots to add still)
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The NC-Wiki Map plug-in is based on a Imagemap Mediawiki plug-in written by, except a lot of enhancements have been added by, such as.

  • Spot highlighting when you hover over an area (This was achieved using the JQuery Maphighlight plug-in)
  • Extra functions to overlay new symbols onto an existing map, while keeping the original intact
  • Ability to customise each area on the map with different colours and sizes
  • Dynamic key generation

Browser Compatibility

The Map Plug-in is compatible with IE7 and Firefox 2. For best results please use Firefox.

There is no support for IE6. (Seriously if you are using IE6, upgrade to IE7 or use Firefox) If you use any other browser, support is limited but we will try and address any bugs, however please don't be offended if you are told to upgrade or change your browser.

Future enhancements

Do you have an idea to improve the plug-in? Please leave your ideas on the Talk page.

How to edit do maps

Please note: At some point we will have a Special Page, so please check back regularly for updates. (Tip use the Watch page function)

The wiki has had all the sector pages populated with the basic map information.

Ok you come across one of the fantastic map page, but it's missing something you know. Lets look at sector A 06. You know Mrs Sung is in this sector, but the NPC isn't shown there and you want to add it. Here is the sector without the NPC marked.


Get the URL of the Image

If you are using Firefox Right click on the image, and select Copy Image Location

(Image needed: Right clicking on graphic and selecting the right option.)

(Need to add IE7 options)

Starting the map editor

Open (URL here) in a new browser

Put the image URL in the xxx box and click on the load button. The map should be loaded into the editor for you to add points.

Adding points

It is recommended you only add circles, however please see the advanced editing section for doing rectangles and polygons. The size of the circle isn't important, as the map plug-in will automatically correct the size of the circle .

So lets add where Mrs Sung is. I select Circle, click on the map. Then I add the name of the Wiki page which the spot should link to, which is Mrs Sung.

Sometimes the page you are linking to may not exist. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal and acceptable. The wiki allows you or anyone else to write a new article at any time.

(Image of Circle added in the wrong place!)

Note: for example purposes only, I've put Mrs Sung south of the Op, which isn't her current correct position.

Copying the information back to the wiki page

At the bottom of the page there is a box with your generated points. Copy the bits between <imagemap> and </imagemap> tags only.

(Image of selected elements)

Then paste the information just after the <ncw:map> tag

{Image of information inserted into the wiki editor}

Now it's time to see the results. Click on Preview, and your new point should appear.

Adding the type to the point

(Image of previewed map)

Now the image of your point is (Image default) a which means you not given the circle a type. The type allows you to specify what sort of point your point it is. Since Mrs Sung is a NPC we add the npc type. For a list of types, and the recommended usage, please see the Map Plugin Types Guide. The format for adding the type is the shape name followed by a colon and then the type name.





Click on save...and Mrs Sung is now added to the map.