NcSource talk:SVN Structure

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Revision as of 14:34, 26 February 2010 by Biglines (talk | contribs)
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r2d22k wants to discuss changing the setup of this svn, so go ahead mate ;) --Biglines 12:32, 26 February 2010 (UTC)

Yeah he wants to discuss this ^^ currently everything is just put into more or less one folder. i think we should change that to something like the following:

  • /trunk
  • /branch
  • /content_work
  • /content_finished
  • /release

the trunk folder would be the coders main working folder everything code related should go here. the substructure of this folder should look like the folderstructure the source sdk creates when you use the "create new mod" function

the branch folder will contain the sourcecode to corresponding to a specific release, i think to really be on the safe side ( i know svn normally saves all diffs but you never know what can happen) we should keep the sourcecode of every single version we release

the content_work will contain all the textures, models, maps and everything related to art that is currently being worked on. one could for example create the subfolders: textures, models, maps and sounds

content_finished i'm not sure how we should structure this folder. we could for example only put the compiled .vmt, .vft and such stuff in this directory or we could move the finished models the .3ds, .bmp etc in there and put the compiled versions somewhere else

release will contain the files needed on the clients we should perhaps create subfolders to distinguish between develreleases, alpha releases and beta releases. the devreleases are the releases we will use internally to test things, the alpha and beta releases will be on a milestone basis --R2d22k 12:58, 26 February 2010 (UTC)

(made your section a bit more readable) The current setup allows people to use the ncsource folder to be synced with their game folder, mostly because in order to use hammer, model viewer etc, all the assets have to be in the game folder, which is why atm it's divided in those areas (hammer uses textures, models and entities from the game folder. Remember this is not like software development, where content not very relevant to the actual development, in this game development the content is total part of the game, as it is required for the code (for example you will need to the latest version of a model in order to code for the gun properly, placeholders might be used, but you need at least some content)

so I'd say we need a "trunk (source)" and a "trunk (game)", and maybe a branch (source) and a branch (game) (they can be subfolders of the trunk and branch). Atm we don't have a branch yet, we're still working on the first version. I dunno if we have limitless space on the svn, so maybe try to contact rambus on rearranging. --Biglines 14:34, 26 February 2010 (UTC)