Neocron Dictionary
This guide is a derivative of Friendly Ghost's "Neocron Dictionary" from way back in the day. I've updated it removing old entries and adding new entries. Authoisation has been gained from Friendly Ghost for the reproduction and updating of this guide.
Below is a list of commonly used lingo in the world of Neocron, at least on the Terra server but this guide may well apply to other servers (None-English Speaking) as well. Obviously the world of Neocron is constantly changing and everybody loves dropping that extra letter or two just to confuse everybody, so by all means this guide will never be completly uptodate. But here goes:
Common IRC & Board Acronyms
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AFK - Away From Keyboard
BBL - Be Back Later
BRB - Be Right Back
BTW - By The Way
Cya - See You (slang)
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FUP - Follow Up Post (=Reply)
IMO - In My Opinion
IRC - Internet Relay Chat
LOL - Laughing Out Loudly
Q&A - Questions & Answers
OMW - On My Way
ROFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing
RTFM - Read The Fucking (or Fine) Manual
WTB - Want To Buy
WTF - What The Fuck?
WTS - Want To Sell
Common RPG Acronyms
IC - In Character
IG - InGame
Mob - Mobile Object (=~ NPC) / AI controlled Monster
MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game
MUD - Multi User Dungeon
OOC - Out of Character
OOG - Out of Game
RPG - Role-Playing Game
Inventory - Backpack
BP - Blueprint
DC - Data Cube
HUD - Heads Up Display
Imp - Implant
knc - Kilo (=1000) NeoCredits
LE - Law Enforcer
nc - NeoCredits
NeMa - Neocronicle Magazine
PB3 - Psi Booster 3
QB - Quickbelt
RPOS - Retinal Projected Operating System
RS - Rucksack
Term - Terminal
VotR - Voice of the Resistance
VR - Voice of the Resistance
Inventory – Rareparts
AHP - Additional Hull Part
ATP - Additional Tech Part
CP - Core Part
FP - Frame Part
HP - Hull Part
OP - Component Part
TP - Tech Part
Inventory - Rares
CS - Cursed Soul Cannon
DG - Devil's Grace Laserblade
DP - MC5 Distance Projector CPU
DS - MC5 Dimension Splitter Chip
FL - First Love Rifle
Libi / Libby - Liberator Pistol (Slang)
HL - Holy Lightning APU Module
PE - Pain Easer Rifle
RoG - Ray of God Rifle
SA - MC5 Synaptic Accelerator Chip (no longer in game, usually used to refer to MC5 Close Combat CPU)
SF - Special Forces Chip
SH - Silent Hunter Rifle
SS - Special Science Chip
ACG - Assistant Chief Gamemaster (GM Rank)
APU - Aggressive Psi User
CA - City Admin
CB - Cop Bot
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
CFO - Chief Financial Officer
CM - City Mercs
ECC - Event & Content Creator (GM Rank)
EGM - Event Game Master (GM Rank)
FA - Fallen Angel
FC - Faction Counsellor (GM Rank)
GM - Game Master
IFW - Ingame Forum Watch (GM Rank)
ISW - Ingame Support Watch (GM Rank)
KK - Reakktor
KOS - Kill on Sight
MJS - Martin Jörg Schwiezer
NAP - Non Aggression Pact
NCPD - Neocron Police Department (correct!)
NCPD - Neocron City Police Department (wrong!)
NExT - Neocron Exploration Technologies
NPC - Non Player Character
PC - Player Character
PK - Player Killer
PPU - Passive Psi User
PvP - Player versus Player
QA - Quality Assurance
TA - Tangent Technologies
TG - TwilightGuardian
TK - Team Killer
TT - Tangent Technologies
Vet - Veteran
WB - War Bot
WBT - War Bot Titan
A&W - Archer & Wesson
ca - Clan Apartment
CRP - Canyon Reloading Point
DC - Desert City
DoY - Dome of York
HQ - Head Quarters
HV - Haus Verbot
IA - IndustrialArea
MB - Military Base
Nc - Neocron
NC - Neocron City
OZ - OutZone
P - Plaza
PLZA - Plaza
PP - PepperPark
TH - TechH(e)aven
TS - TestServer
VR - ViaRosso
WL - WasteLand
Sometimes abbreviations show up; in such a case you may see things like "Jeriko" instead of "Jeriko Fortress", "Krupp" instead of "Krupp Factory", "Regant's" instead of "Regant's Legacy", or "Avenger" instead of "Avenger mines". I'm not going to list them all, because there are too many locations to keep track of if I would do that. Just check the world map and you'll find what they're talking about.
Inside cities, other forms of shortcuts are used to provide information on current whereabouts. For example, inside Neocron City people will simply say they're in "plaza 2", leaving out the "sector" in between. In very extreme cases, or in small places such as Tech Haven, they might directly say "I'm in TH 2", which means he/she is in Tech Haven Sector 2. These too are too much to keep track of, so I'll skip them. You'll learn them with time, and use.
Very extreme forms of shortcut can also be seen in the form of single letters. In such cases, a location like "plaza sector 2" will simply appear as "P2". The Pepper Park sectors will have their own as well ("Pepper Park sector 3" will thus appear as "PP2"). "Via Rosso 3", to mention another example (and exception), will appear as "Via3".
If you're travelling outdoors, you will likely no longer see any of the above terms locations. Instead, the players will reveal their whereabouts by using the map sectors. If a player says he's currently in "E_05", to find him you'll need to open the world map screen and intersect the row and column mentioned.
In the case of this player, he's likely somewhere in the mountain range around Tech Haven. In short, they talk using the coordinate system of the world map.
Cst - Construction
Res - Research
Rez - Resurrection
SI - Synaptic Impairment
SL - Soul Light
XP - eXperience Points
CET - Central European Time
DST - Daylight Savings Time
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
PST - Pacific Standard Time
TZ - Time Zone
UTC - Universal Time Coordinated
WET - Western European Time