Legacy THNapi:Stats DB API Services

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This is a list of all data services available from the Stats DB API. The auto-generated API list is available from Stats DB.

Available Data Services

data servers history

This provides the number of players 5 minute intervals for a single server

data servers info all

All the current server populations are provided by this feed. There are options to allow to select different types of servers (Such as all,test and live) and you can specify a filter of servers.

data servers info

This is identical to data servers info all except only a single server can be specified

data news

This provides the new feed for the from page of the Stats DB. Currently this feed is available only in RSS format.

data peak populations

data peak month

data peak year

data outposts fights

data travel adviser

data factions relations map

data neocast

data neocast update

data server update

data active clans

data api info