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This is the ability to construct/build an item using various established component parts. The result can be a piece of Armour, a Weapon or even a Vehicle.

The process requires a Blueprint of the desired item, a Construction Tool of sufficient quality (rated in Technology Level/TL), Construction Grease (please correct me if this is no longer required) and a collection of chemicals, metals and such stated in the embedded information found on the Blueprint.

The player constructing the item will need sufficient skill points invested in Constructing to make the item. The resulting quality of the item far surpasses the quality of items purchased from the NPC stores e.g. Archer & Wesson and HEW's. Because of this, the need is created by players who want superior equipment. Superior weapons provide major advantages like vastly increased Range, Frequency/Rate of Fire and Damage. Such weapons enable players to kill monsters in a fraction of the time taken if using the standard store weapons.

If the skill rating of the constructor easily exceeds the Tech Level of the item to be built, there is an increased probability of the item having upgrade options, called 'Slots'. This probability has been an interesting item of debate in the past regarding the exact amount of skill points required to ensure that a weapon will turn out with these Slots. Please note, however, that only weapons can be imbued with slots on creation. Armour and vehicles do not benefit from this phenomenon.

As implied, slots allow a weapon to be upgraded to perform even better than it's already superior quality and performance. Some nifty upgrade options include fitting the weapon with a Silencer, a Scope for enhanced accuracy while aiming (aids the actual aiming process of the player, not enhancing the reticle process) or even a Laser Sight (which also aids the player in physically aiming at moving targets). A variety of upgrades are available and the customising process differs among players to suit their combat styles/needs.



