Legacy THNapi:FAQ

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What is the THN API?

The THN API is a set of interfaces for fan sites to insert item DB data into their own sites. There will be a set of PHP libraries released that fansite owners put in their sites, which will connect and pull the data from the item DB.

When will the THN API be released for other fansites to use?

There is no date set. There are quite a few issues to be resolved before I can allow the THN API to be released. Some are technical issues, and some are cosmetic issues.

Will the THN API libraries be open source?

Yes, but it hasn't been decided whether the license will be GPLv2 or GPLv3 at this stage.

Will there be support for .NET?

Not at this stage, but since the libraries will be open source and the protocol will be documented, it will be possible for someone to write a library.

What will I need to use the THN API?

  1. You will need a THN API key
  2. Some knowledge of PHP coding
  3. If you wish to customise the layout, you will need a good knowledge and understanding of CSS
  4. You will need a web server with at least PHP5.2.5 PHP4 is not supported at all, as the libraries uses some advanced features not available PHP4, and also support for PHP4 is being dropped. The libraries should work on PHP5.0.x to PHP 5.2.4, but the libraries have not been tested on these versions of PHP.

Why do need an API Key?

This is so we know who is using the THN API, so we can contact users with impending changes that could break your website, and also to ensure the THN API is being used correctly.

Who is using/testing the THN API now?

  • The NC-WIki - Is using the current THN API PHP libraries
  • The Rares Database - It is pulling a XML feed of rares data so the data can be shown in this page.
  • The Ultimate Launcher - There is a in game command to search for items while you are playing Neocron.