Talk:Newbie Guide

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Revision as of 15:34, 25 May 2008 by StevenJ (talk | contribs) (Added a tentative structure for the ingame path)
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This is gonna be a biggie... I think we perhaps get a structure sorted out and tackle it section at a time...

So I figure the sooner we start, the sooner we get something here. Here, then, is a start!

Couple of things I want to ask first: Are we dealing with ingame noob, or Total-Not-Heard-Of-NC-Before noob? Are we going to deal with downloading and installing?

Aside from that, I figure the article should do as the PvP article does - general broad overview of the things you need to know, with links to more information.

I'd suggest, then, the following path as a starting point for discussion...

  • Choose a class (one or two sentences at most, linked to the classes)
  • Choose a profession (again, one or two sentences at most)
  • Assign skills (as above!)
  • Choose a faction (as above!)
  • Get ingame, we need (I think) a very thorough rundown of the MC5 missions in their own article, like the excellent epic articles - getting to use F9, mission window.
  • Get to your apartment - Genrepping introduction
  • Speak to Jones once
  • Register at your HQ, return to your apartment, then we throw the noob to the Jones mission pages - NavRay introduction, accessing apps
  • I think we should have a runthrough of a very easy mission or two too, in the same guide style as the epics. Rat mission, res mission, delivery mission. We can do these for specific missions, and we stress in the guide that they may be doing different missions in different locations, but the structure will be the same - citycom introduction, combat / more navray stuff.

I really, really think NC needs more structure between doing the Jones quest to completing the epic. Perhaps we need to think of ways to encourage people to explore. Point them to the weapon smugglers, level 2 implants from Point Red, just get them out of the city and avoid that 'stranded' feeling. Totally new players need proper, well defined goals.

I'm generally against being prescriptive, but if we could get suggested 'aims' together for people, that would be a great help I think.

Anyhow - there's my ramblings. Perhaps we bang this into shape until we have a decent skeleton for the article, and get it written!

--StevenJ 20:47, 2 May 2008 (BST)

  • Just thinking that this may be a year or four too late... but a very complete, nicely formatted PDF of this guide for new chaps to download and print under the THN / Wiki banner would be a superb feature. Not a power-leveling guide, a true "exploring NC" guide up to completing the epic, taking people through the outzone, around to point red, finding a friendly factory where they can mod a weapon, etc. And here's my sig! --StevenJ 16:20, 25 May 2008 (BST)
  • I've only spotted this, think this outline is a good grounding point for total NC newbies. I do think installing should be covered, so you can cover patching as well. As for PDF's good idea, think there is a PDF extension for Wikis. --Brammers 16:04, 25 May 2008 (BST)

Sounds like a plan chaps, all sounds really good. Off the top of my head there is nothing more to add to your list Steve, I think we just need to get on with it now. Just a quick note too, there is a brief guide to MC5 area on the main NC site, it's not fantastic but it helped me when I started: --Matan 16:19, 25 May 2008 (BST)

Was just talking to Matan on msn regarding this (if anyone else wants my msn btw, PM me your add on the THN!) and we feel like we should have a quite in-depth beginners guide to quite advanced - until people can hunt at MB... we tentatively came up with this 10 point plan, which gives us great scope for explaining the game's mechanics. Note this is for actually once ingame... nothing about choosing a char etc here.

1) MC5 missions

2) Jones mission (done, thanks to Logan)

3) Spending your first few points, then working up to the next weapon

4) Then getting it ressed / consted

5) Aggies (or a little more sewers until you're ready) - but not for too long

6) Outzone

7) First epic mission

8) Get to point red for level 2 imps, collect a few extra GRs (we will be totally prescritive here - i.e. After you hit the point red genrep, you can also hit XYZ on your way home, if you feel like being productive.

9) Outzone Launcher pit

10) MB and goodbye forever!

Obviously we can leave off with a few suggestion, "This is where you should be headed", "You will need to be working towards getting rare weapons constructed, which require tech parts. You can get these firemobbing or warbot hunting" but very generally speaking. By this point they should be having fun ingame. --StevenJ 16:34, 25 May 2008 (BST)