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Release plan for Item DB 1.5.0

No release date yet, within the next week or earlier.

This may make no sense to anyone, except at your own risk. If your brain melts...not my fault!

Subversion managemen before release

  1. Create rollback point for the wiki
  2. Create rollback point for the THN
  3. Create rollback point for the rares DB
  4. Tag Wiki nranch
  5. Tag NC-Wiki extension
  6. Tag Item DB extension


  1. Run full DB and site backups (eta 40 mins)

On the THN website

  1. Release/Switch only com_neocron, template and the mambots content directory. Nothing else or the new authenication layer will get released as well....we don't want that.

On the Wiki

  1. Release update to extensions direction, this will delete the old THN api and break things
  2. Create new directory within the NC-Wiki extension and release the tagged THN API to the new directory
  3. Make the new cache directory writable

On the Rares DB

  1. Temporary turn off rares listings download updates, since the XML feeds is no longer available in 1.5.0 (If KK release a new rare item...I'm not going to be happy)


  1. Speak to Delphi about putting the wiki offline during the updates. (Downtime eta - an hour)