Brain Implants

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Brain implants are a class of implants which fit into the brain implant slots. You can fit a total of 4 different implants at any one time on your character.

The Law Enforcer: A Special Implant

See main article, Law Enforcer, for more information.

The Law Enforcer in Detail

When you create a new character in NeoCron, he or she will always start out with a Law Enforcer chip implanted into his or her head. The Law Enforcer (L.E.) is basically a way to distinguish between players who wish to be able to engage in Player Vs. Player gameplay (i.e. players who want to attack other players) and those who do not.

Having the Law Enforcer implanted into your character disables you from being able to deal damage to other players, but at the same time also disables other players from being able to damage you in any way. Furthermore the LE prevents your character from dropping items in a hackable loot belt when your character dies. Lastly, the LE prevents you from joining any clans.

The drawback of not being attackable in-game and never dropping items in a hackable loot belt is that the LE will always occupy one of your brain implant slots, while not having the LE in also means that you can be killed by other players in any zone in the game that is not a secure zone.

Once you take out your LE when you are above Skill Rank 30, you will not be able to put it back in!

As most people will tell you, taking out the LE is an extremely bad idea when you are at an early rank and have no PvP experience. It's best to be well-leveled and accumulate practice PvPing with other players in the NeoFrag virtual arenas first before you decide to take out your LE. Don't say you weren't warned if a random player runs by and decides to kill you for no reason, that is part of the game!

The Law Enforcer is one of the two implants in the game that are Tech Level 0, meaning that you can implant them into your runner without any implant skill requirements.

A description of the game's brain implants

If you require information on what the actual bonuses and stats given by the implants are please visit this page.

External Links Brain Implants listing