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Cleanse modules

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Official description

Anti Fire PSI modules remove fire damage over time effects caused by external influences and heal the target with a minor heal to reduce the shock effect of the module


Cleanse modules, commonly called Antidebuffs, instantly remove all stacks of damage over time that are currently on the target and prevent new effects to be applied for 2s. Due to long cast speeds, it's better to cast a heal or a shield than remove the stacks, but these still are useful when fighting opponents with a lot of dots to prevent them from accumulating. Antiparalyze module removes the effect of Parashock. Despite the description, these modules do not heal.

  • Antifire module.png Antifire removes Burning stacks that deal Fire damage over time
  • Antienergy module.png Antienergy removes High Voltage stacks that deal Energy damage over time
  • Anticontamination module.png Anticontamination removes Contamination stacks that deal Genotoxic damage over time
  • Antipoison module.png Antipoison removes Poisoning stacks that deal Poison damage over time
  • Antixray module.png Anti X-ray removes Radiation Injury stacks that deal X-ray damage over time
  • Antiparalyse module.png Antiparalyze removes Electric Shock stack that slow down movement speed

Rare: Holy Exorcist

Holy Exorcist In addition to Parashock, Holy Exorcist removes effect of Damage boost module

Rare: Holy Catharsis

Holy Catharsis Holy Catharsis removes Fire, Poison, and Energy damage over time stacks all at once, at the cost of decreased cast speed

List of avaiable models