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Fusion battle drone

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Fusion Battle Drone
Fusion battle drone.jpg
Fire mode Single shot
Rate of fire 47/min
Ammo reserve 160
Range 170m
Energy reserve 1212
Distance 840m
Speed factor 4.50

Official description

The latest drone unit produced by Tangent Technologies Inc, the light armed drone takes mobile robotic defense to a new level. The drone uses a magnetic field generator to keep it hovering, while a fusion reactor controls motion in any direction. The laser is powered by a built-in energy pack that powers the emission of light through a crystal of synthetic emerald, engineered to have increased internal refraction for a higher powered laser. Moderately armored, the light armed drone is an effective mobile attack unit that offers an alternative to taking on an enemy face to face. - description is the same as Laser Drone


Drone deals Icon energy.png and Icon force.png damage in area of effect. Drone weapon is equivalent to Fusion cannon modded for Advanced Fusion Cell.

  • Area of effect damage
  • Slow fire rate
  • If the projectile impact is in the player's or target's view, the screen briefly flashes in white quickly starting to annoy both user and the victim
  • Explosion has damage falloff and inflict self-damage to the drone and the user

List of avaiable models