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Grim Persecutor

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Combat 32.png
Grim Persecutor
Image of Grim Persecutor
Race Unknown (Fire Mobs)
110/110 ***
Wealth 5,460 NC
Damage types

force Damage
fire Damage
Instant Damage



Grim Persecutors are the "big brothers" to Terror Maulers. They spit 3 consecutive fire balls. The relation of damage between fire and force is (at patch #183) 1:1.5. They drop rare parts.

Where to Hunt?

Canyon area. You can see that the area is around the volcano in the world map. These areas house a lot of Fire Mobs and are very suitable for ground-vehicle usage as well. The use of gunned vehicles is highly recommended, and the monsters do not require to be hacked for loot.

Gearing Up

Fire resist helps here a lot. Various items and buffs can boost your Fire Resist. For example, Inquisition Armors 1-4, Heat Resist Boosters 1-3 and Holy, Resist Potion: Fire and Red Dragon drug, Blessed and normal Shelter. Having roughly over 100 Fire Resist/Armor in total makes the battles noticeably easier.

See also