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One of the adverts advertising "non stop sex" within the Pepper Park district, Neocron's more seedier part of the city


This term is used Often in the NC community for a range of circumstances.


This word triggers an Emote in which the male char thrusts his hips back and forth with coinciding arm movement. The female Char does a seductive dance also indicating a sexual tendence.


The use of the sexual motion towards others within the neocron city grew out of it's prolific use in the early years of Pepper Park to indicate to a hooker you where interested in her services.

Several years later, as the wars grew in intenisty and length, time was often of the essence in procreation, the long drawn out dating process from the earlier centuries was cast aside for the more direct approach.

The mortality rate of children was high in Neocron in fact with the over use of the Genereplicator system, effectively immortality, why is another generation really needed?

There are stories of Op war soldiers carrying out the final insult against the enemy before their recovery from the battlefield but this is unsubstantiated.

In Game Meaning

The Sex term has come to mean many thing in the NC game and community.


  • Welcome - YES it's true this can be used as a form of welcome, a buddy you haven't seen in some time can be greeted by the sex emote. Often returned as a sign of friends.
  • Great happiness - A player constructs you a rather nice 5 slot weapon - a rare item in game - You immediately prompt the Sex emote to show your gratitude
  • Combat - Often used over the dead body of your opponent as a mark of disrespect. This act of sexing a corpse is probably the beginnings of this well used term in NC

Sexy Video

Additional Video

Drom Sex