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All weapons in Neocron that are self constructed or mission rewards have the ability to spawn with slots. Slots are indicated by a series of boxes (ranging from 1-5)on the item's icon. The maximum slots a weapon can have is 5. The amount of slots that are received is somewhat random. When an item is constructed a roll is made, if the roll is under a certain value, a slot is added. This means that the higher your skill the better the odds of getting more slots, to a certain cap (which is unknown). It also means that if your skill is below a certain threshold, or the quality of the item is too low when made, it cannot have a slot.


Ammo mods

Perhaps the most important mods are those that allow a weapon to use additional types of ammo. Alternative ammo changes the properties of the weapon or damage type it can do, often increasing the damage output. For example, Explosive converter mod for 9mm pistol changes the Piercing damage type into a combination of Force and Piercing, dealing more damage with less Force resistance.

9mm clip - Explosive converter mod

9mm clip - Explosive converter mod

Weapon stat mods

Some mods are used to extend the statistics of the weapon such as damage, frequency, handling and accuracy, but it cannot exceed 120% in any category so mod with caution. An installed mod cannot be changed or removed. Any installed mod that changes stats also increase the maximum Condition of the weapon, making it break much later.



Weapon attachments

Apart from mods to achieve better weapon statistics, there are also mods that can be used to add functionality like a scope, a flashlight, a silencer or a visible laser beam.

  • Scope provides additional 2x zoom. Does not increase weapon range or accuracy. Activate it with NUM-2 by default.
  • Flashlight works exactly the same as Flashlight tool but is attached to a weapon. Activate it with NUM-1 by default. It is considered a wasted slot.
  • Silencer changes the sound of the weapon and reduces the visibility of the muzzle flash. Always active. It is also considered a wasted slot, unless you want to snipe people with very long range projectile-based weapon from a vantage points so they will have hard time to notice you.
  • Laser pointer gives a bonus to weapon aiming, increasing reticle closing speed at a cost of enemy knowing you are aiming at them.


Ultimas are the best weapon mods for their weapon categories, not available in the stores. These drop from endgame area mob drops or reward for various events.



Slot enhancers

Slot enhancers are items that can be added to blueprints to guarantee a minimum amount of slots in the result item. You can only add one slot enhancer to a single blueprint. These items are endgame area mob drops.

Illegal Construction Slot Enhancer

Illegal Construction Slot Enhancer

Installing mods

To install any mod, you need a Construction Tool and Construction skill equal or higher than TL of the mod. Place them all in the Processor window and after a short time mod will be installed.