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- New test server patch #605 has been released to Vedeena
- I am happy for this to remain a page - however this needs expanding upon, and needs linking into other sections of the wiki, this however should not be an abused page - factual not opinion
Delphi (t) (c) 22:00, 26 March 2008 (UTC)
- Whilst the term "Carebear" is a valid discussion point in the game i feel it's description is incorrect. A carebear is not a tradeskiller or roleplayer. Example:-
- Fetish - Roleplay Clan - Player killed all the time in fact Red SL on most them lads
- Tradeskillers? my main char is a tradeskiller yet i have a Rifle Spy and PE who do nothing but kill , cabs full of spare gear ,armour etc.
A carebear in my view is someone averse to the atmosphere Neocron aspires to project, such as whinging about getting killed or having their belt hacked. Keeping an LE in for a "Quiet" life. Etc.--Logan Ford 10:02, 27 March 2008 (UTC)
I rewrote this to try to make it more neutral, but I think that we need to properly discuss and come to an agreement on exactly what the term carebear is to describe. --Flib 20:08, 27 March 2008 (UTC)
For Discussion
May be fairly hard for only a few of us to defiine the term. How about an external definition? quoted from the Urban Dictionary
Care Bear
- Lightly derogatory term for an MMO player who avoids PVP combat, heavily preferring cooperative or solo PVE combat, chatting, or developing tradeskills/running quests. Depending on the game and the individual, this PVP avoidance can show up in several ways: by playing on strict non-PVP servers; by avoiding PVP areas or declining duels; or, by avoiding or condemning PVP players.
Philosophically, they often cite unbalanced combat systems, overpowered guilds, ebayed characters, and ganking as reasons to prefer less aggressive play. The mindset can be self-sustaining in several ways: high-level "care bears" may have avatars that are tailored for PVE, not PVP; they may not network with skilled PVP players; or, they may morally refuse to learn aggressive PVP tactics. As an insult, the term applies less to players who merely prefer PVE to PVP and more to individuals who question the basic legitimacy of PVP or who greatly overreact to their avatars' deaths. Bear in mind that it is strictly incorrect to refer to the victims of heavy exploiters as Care Bears. Abbreviated CB. Compare with RPK, Player Killing/PK, PVP. --Logan Ford 20:41, 27 March 2008 (UTC)
Hmm, that sounds mostly agreeable to me, but we might want to use our own words, I'm not sure what UrbanDictionary's policy is on CopyPasta. --Flib 21:36, 27 March 2008 (UTC)