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User:Brammers/THN Upgrade 2012
From Neocron Wiki
THN Upgrade
These plans have been around for a while, but here is the list.
Forum upgrades (Done)
- Upgrade forums to phpBB3 (Done)
- Migrate data (Done)
- Create new THN skin for phpBB3 (Done)
- Remove old groups and features (Done)
Wiki upgrades
- Upgrade wiki website to run PHP 5.3/5.4 (Done)
- Upgrade wiki software to 1.19/1.20 (Done)
- Remove users with no edits (Done)
- Migrate users to use the THN central user DB (Next)
Move Item DB data to the wiki- Wiki Skin to match the THN (Done)
Stats DB
- Add support for reporting on Rares
- Add more faction support reports
- Add other reports
- Add some planned fun stuff!
Rares DB
- Upgrade to be compatible with phpBB3 (Done)
- Future project - Re-write site in Symfony/Monolight Framework 3
- Upgrade to latest version of Joomla
Move Item DB to wiki- Migrate Item DB to it's own site (Done)