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- New test server patch #596 has been released to Vedeena
- New retail server patch #596 has been released to Titan
From Neocron Wiki
NB. This is a personal page test - please do not edit
University Work to do:
- Continue the analysis and increment the trimer temp to ~150K
- Nose @ 50K - inc. microcanonical run for 5ps - Both input files on cluster ready inc. m/c run
- Nose @ 100K - inc. microcanonical run for 5ps
- Nose @ 150K - inc. microcanonical run for 5ps
- Then run microcanonical sim for 15ps with last 10ps with &DIPOLE card switched on for the molecule polarisation
- Calculate dipole moment classically for the Trimer (uud)
- Then run microcanonical sim for 15ps with last 10ps with &DIPOLE card switched on for the molecule polarisation
- Do NEB calculations for the dimer dissociation
- Run on capablanca the initial configuration
- Including electronic and ionic GS configurations
- Run on capablanca the final configuration
- Including electronic and ionic GS configurations
- Create NEB input file with final positions for the GS of the initial/final
- Run NEB simulation on capa
- Finish DFT theory section
- Add graphs to work section
- Do dimer section
- Do trimer section
- Do tetramer section
- Do LDA subsection
- Do GGA subsection
- Future work section
- Conclusion
- Edit the mono/di/tri images to include geometrical information