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User talk:Delphi/Dev03

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Nice! I think that looks a lot better with the images at the top. (I was thinking of putting them on the bottom of the part, but on reflection I think it's better there.

Couple of technical things.

  • If I edit a section, I get the template page instead of the content page, any way around this?
  • Rewards - not all missions have rewards, the Regents legacy part 1 is one that doesn't give any XP or money.
  • Tips - if there are no tips, can the steps box be expanded to take up the space left by the area where the tips are.
  • Mission - steps on IE6 the steps are centred, and not left jusified.
  • Use of templates within templates - I see you got this a lot
 |Tipcontent = {{TB_col|extra=Torben|Content=He is located at th rear of the Yo's}}

I'm just a little concerned it's going to be a little hard to use, although I don't mind assisting users in getting it right.

I'll be interested to see what the others say about this layout --Brammers 14:28, 8 May 2008 (BST)

    • I don't mean to be cruel, but it's starting to look cluttered. A haphazard collection of boxes, with details, pitures that's confusing, irritating to read and annoying. Too many pictures on one line for one, pictures that are not nearly as needed as they first appear.
    • We still need to add a link to map or add the map to each epic also.
    • I personally think your going the wrong way with these epic adjustments. I still feel tipline is making it a little crampt when looking at the screen and tipbox looks better because it stands out, but I think we may need to revert back to K.I.S.S. I like "some" photo's, if they are really needed to highlight someone/something, but we need picture only of logo, map and specials. The rest can be hidden till such times as we got a pop up way of showing it, because it's making the presentaion of the screen, look bad. Sorry if I offend. -- Dragonette 16:07, 9 May 2008 (BST)