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Talk:J 01
Added a few NPC's, I will float around J 01 to create pages for all mobs that populate that zone, just a quick thing - When i view the map the yellow circle (bunker) doesn't show up unless you scroll over it? is it meant to be that way or should it be a bold block like the red for example? [admin] Logan Ford • (talk)22:06, 17 May 2008 (BST)
I have yet to complete my mob hunt in J 01 acolytes etc to record, I have done 3 sweeps of the entire area over 3 nights and have seen no spider bots, mad copbots or a WB!? I will continue to document mobs for this zone and keep an eye out for these! May even kill everything there to see spawn cycle kicks one up![admin] Logan Ford • (talk)16:15, 19 May 2008 (BST)
Hmm, the spawns sort of makes sense. It's intended the harder mobs are closer to the centre of the map, and the easy ones on the outside. The last time I remember a Spiderbot in J01 was in NC2.2 Beta, when my monk got totally pwned by one. That one was near the tower at the junction in the North East-ish area, but the spawns in a lot of areas are not the same as NC1 or NC2.
Also after a little bit of bangings ideas and thoughts with StevenJ on how to do dymanic spots, I've got a solution in the works. I was going to use some Jquery, and some CSS tricks to overlay dots on the map, but came up with an idea to do it in php using the GD libs, where I take a copy of the source image, add the extra bits, and then use the new image for the map. This will be a lot simpler to write. Expect an update tonight or tomorrow. :) --Brammers 16:43, 19 May 2008 (BST)
Ok, the new map dymanics are there... nice work on the sector Logan! If you need any map symbols doing, let me know via my talk page. --Brammers 22:13, 19 May 2008 (BST)
- Can I suggest we make the circles only 15px in size, I think it fits better and makes it easier to stick hotspots near each other! δρ • Delphi (t) • (c) 00:05, 20 May 2008 (BST)
15px looks good. If you change circle to point, and remove the radius (The last digit) you will still get a circle, but at a fixed size specified in MediaWiki:NCwiki.settings.js
Also I could add a small amount of code to override the circle sizes so if someone specified a class so if circle 73 155 25 Mitchell it will still draw a circle at 25px radius, however if you specified circle:npc 73 155 25 Mitchell it would read the size from another settings wikipage and override the radius to use 15 instead. Worth adding to help keep things consistent? (And saves a lot of editing as well!) --Brammers 10:08, 20 May 2008 (BST)
- Yeah sounds good to me, keeping things simple is the best idea at the moment. Is there a reason the new spots have not rendered today? I cant seem to get the circle for the location or the stars for the NPCs? Anyone else having this problem? δρ • Delphi (t) • (c) 11:25, 20 May 2008 (BST)
- Ok new size defaults are in, and the rendering bug should be fixed. --Brammers 20:18, 20 May 2008 (BST)
- Ok done another full sweep of J 01 last night and having trashed the mobs at the bunker for spawn cycle feel confident i have captured all in the area. Alas no WB's, spideys or copbots! your not the only one who could have sworn to have seen them there!! Looking good, i will move onto another sector tonight - Any preference which one? [admin] Logan Ford • (talk)11:56, 20 May 2008 (BST)
- Can I suggest A 06 moving East across the A sectors? Seen as we have the maps in place for A,B and C :) Start at the bottom and together we can all work towards the top! δρ • Delphi (t) • (c) 15:50, 20 May 2008 (BST)
- I've started on A08 last night, didn't really kill any mobs, so I'll get out some Napalm out and go out hunting some more to get the spawn circle...hmm nothing like the smell of Napalm in the morning! --Brammers 20:18, 20 May 2008 (BST)
Rendering and Caching issues
Of if the map is "out of date", there are 2 fixes.
- Click on Refresh button while holding down CTRL.
- Purge the page from the wiki. Just add ?action=purge to the end of the URL and click on purge when you are prompted.
I am seeing the odd caching issue now and again, usually option 1 fixes it. I've had to resort to option 2 during development a few times, but not that often. However I will look at some some caching/anti-caching code if needed. --Brammers 12:33, 20 May 2008 (BST)
Ignore all that, I've spotted the bug in the code where it's not set to handle "point" fix will be in later today. For now use Circle. --Brammers 15:45, 20 May 2008 (BST)
Code fixes have been applied. - --Brammers 20:18, 20 May 2008 (BST)