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Moved from Genotoxic Industrial PM Mark 4 Genetoxic Suit Mission δρDelphi (t)(c) 00:59, 10 June 2008 (BST)

This is about the mission for the Genotoxic Industrial PM Mark 4 Genetoxic Suit, which I will be doing soon.

just listed in my personal space because it's far from finished.

06-10-2008 00:48:37 > hmm, where do i get Genotoxic Industrial PM Mark 4 Genetoxic Suit?

06-10-2008 00:48:50 > HELP> Toggle : talk to da monk in f13 if u doy, to daa gent in f13 if u nc to get started...

06-10-2008 00:49:18 > HELP> Toggle : then enter gaia mines, do some diving and ganking at the bottom of it, visit some gook in th...and pressto...

06-10-2008 00:49:25 > HELP> Toggle : one gentox coat

06-10-2008 00:49:37 > it it difficult at rank 39?

06-10-2008 00:50:12 > HELP> Blood-Junkie : u have to have a rank of 60.. so basically u have to be capped

06-10-2008 00:50:16 > HELP> Toggle : same end bos as in regants...foul breath, bad looks, and motorically imapaired...

06-10-2008 00:50:32 > HELP> Toggle : least he gives lousy haircuts...always gets ya at the neck^^

06-10-2008 00:50:52 > toggle, u said f13 twice, is that correct? for both doy and nc?

06-10-2008 00:51:04 > HELP> Blood-Junkie : ya both are insame sector

06-10-2008 00:51:16 > HELP> Toggle : yeay. monk is near the gr...agentg near the fencen in area opposit mine entrance

06-10-2008 00:53:34 > blood-junkie, i have a rank 58 alt

06-10-2008 00:53:44 > this char is 39, why?

06-10-2008 00:54:22 > HELP> Blood-Junkie : nice kool.. just chkin... i made the mistake of trying to start the missin wiv a uncapped char.... n didnt want uy to make the same mistake

First part - finding Agent Horatius

This is the ProCity version of the quest, for the anti city you have to speak to Inquisitor Kaine, I don't know much more for that version.

  • First talk to Special Agent Riviera, who's in F13. He's SE of the Gaia mine entrance, standing with some crates and a GoGo. He tells you to take a team and search for agent Horatius in the Regant Laboratory inside the Gaia Mines.
  • Go all the way down in the Gaia Mines, there's a lot of renegade Copbots and related mobs, so be sure to either stealth or have effective weaponry. (ranks 80-100)
  • Enter Mining Facility 2, and work your way down some ladders, and enter the building.
  • Inside the building is the entrance to the lab, where you have to dive down some shafts to reach an area with regant's scouts and other Genotoxic mobs. The body of Horatius should be around there somewhere. Search the body, you will recieve "Personal Datapad - Agent Horatius", and then make you way up again. If the body displays something about an ore console, click on the first option.
  • Return to Special Agent Riviera, who will look over the datapad, and this part of the mission is done.