User talk:Brammers/Bug Page

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Some required information

To report an issue please include.

  1. The page the bug happened on.
  2. The browser version you was using
  3. And as much information as possible

Oddness with the Map Plugin

Last night I was editing the Point Red page, and the map kept breaking. The end tage kept turning into:-


And when I edited the tag to what it should be, the Wiki didn't see the edit (As if the page was the same) and the extra tags refused to disappear. Had to do some fiddling with ?action=purge and doing a Ctrl-Refresh on the edit page to get the page to save properly. Browser is Firefox 3.0.4 --Brammers 11:33, 8 December 2008 (UTC)

Set commands

The page Set Commands was not working for me last night with lots of the < tags being broken and split up and some words missing letters. This was on the latest version of Google Chrome, however on checking this page today the bug is not repeatable on FF 3.0.4 under Linux δφ (delphi) 12:31, 8 December 2008 (UTC)

Edit: I will try to reproduce this error this evening and screen shot it. Also there is some interesting problems with the map plugin under Google chrome, where I have managed to cause a segmentation fault and crash the browser by moving the mouse rapidly across the mapping page. Also when the colour is highlighted under chrome the box flashes white before rendering the colour of the box, I'm guessing this is a Chrome issue. - δφ (delphi) 12:34, 8 December 2008 (UTC)

Delphi - Anything like this?


This is how I replicated it in this case. Went to the page, not logged in. Logged into the wiki, and went back to the page. --Brammers 14:39, 8 December 2008 (UTC)

Edit 2: Clearing the cache using ?action=purge cleared the issue. I am wondering if there are some old cache entries somewhere. --Brammers 14:42, 8 December 2008 (UTC)

Exactly like that - I'm wondering if its an issue with the amount of "<" and ">" we use in the wiki. I looks like a lot of the problems with that page come from the use of <> - δφ (delphi) 15:33, 8 December 2008 (UTC)