Legacy THNapi:Release Notes

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Revision as of 13:49, 7 April 2008 by Brammers (talk | contribs) (More patch notes)
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Release Notes

Here are the release ntoes for the THN API and Item DB. Since the THN API accesses the Item DB for it's data, it's possible the Item DB may get a release, but not the THN API.

THN API 1.0.0 - Item DB 1.4.2(Feb 9 2008)

  • This is the first release of the THN API.

THN API 1.0.0 - Item DB 1.4.2a (Feb 9 2008)

  • The JQuery Javascript core library was moved to be part of the whole THN website, and removed from the Item DB's own core Javascript files.

THN API 1.0.1 - Item DB 1.4.2a (March 10 2008)

  • This release fixes an issue where wiki content within THN API tags was not rendered.

THN API 1.0.2 - Item DB 1.4.3

Not yet released - Expected to be released week beginnign 14th April.

Item DB Changes

  • IE7 and Firefox users - updated CSS style sheet, so that all PNG images have a black background colour.
  • IE6 users - If the image is a PNG image, it is converted to a GIF image.
  • Improved dateadded/updated date information on detailed item displays.
  • Updated all Jquery files to the latest and greatest in most cases, and also all .pak.js files have been changed to .min.js files.
  • Rewrote the Joomla mambot THN API parser, so you can now use the same style of commands from the wiki in Joomla pages.
  • Added option to toggle the showing and hiding of Item ID's in item listings - See the THN API menu at the bottom of the http://www.techhaven.org/db/ page.

THN API Chnages

  • Coming soon...