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PvP is an acronym which stands for "Player Versus Player". PvP in MMORPG games generally entails the parts of the game in which players go head-to-head and attempt to defeat each other in some form of competition.

In Neocron, PvP is considered to be one of, if not the major aspect of the game. Combining PvP with the first-person shooter perspective, scaled to MMO proportions is part of what makes Neocron unique.

There are a lot of scenarios in Neocron in which PvP occurs, to name a few:

  • NeoFrag virtual fighting arenas in which PvP occurs free of any consequences.
  • One-on-one matches between players.
  • Ganking in which any number of players with an unfair advantage or the element of surprise attack any other number of players without provocation.
  • Team fighting in which two groups of players can assemble in teams and meet at any non-secured game zone and engage in a fight.
  • Outpost Warring in which two or more clans assemble groups of fighters and hackers in an attempt to take control of important locations in game.
  • And others...