Latest Neocron News and Information
- New test server patch #612 has been released to Vedeena
Official description
The assassin is a specialist for remote fighting. Whoever gets hit by bullets in the open field is almost always the target of an assassin. These specialists use sniper rifles or assault rifles. Because of these weapons the targets hardly ever find out which directions the bullets came from. Some assassins know of the art of implants, others are formidable hackers. Hit and run is the most used practice but some assassins are good or only mad enough to go into an in-fight with their rifles to create havoc there. These hotheads are mainly private eyes. Spies can even be more deadly in their ways. Because of their physical deficits they always work with a state of camouflage. They are about invisible in open field.
Assassins specialize in high-range weaponry. Rifles perfectly fit this description, allowing to engage targets before they can reach you. Spies can use Stealth Tools to safely reposition themselves before the next engagement. Private Eyes are more sturdy than Spies and can engage targets in medium and short-range as well. High damage output with high range makes this profession ideal for hunting targets in open fields, eighter Warbots, Fire Mobs or unaware players.
Classes and Skills
Classes available: Private Eye, Spy
Primary skill: Rifle combat (R-C)
Secondary skills: Hightech combat (T-C), Implant (IMP)
Starter Equipment
On awakening in Mc5 you will have the following equipment:
- Stamina Booster 1 x3
- Milky Ren x3
- First Aid x3
- Halogen Flashlight
- Lazar Rifle
- 8 x 7.62mm Rifle Rounds
- Crahn 'Novice' Gauntlet
- BioTech IT-TL30 Personal Implant Tool
- Cryton RD-TL30 Recycling Device
Additional items when starting as Spy:
Additional items when starting as PE: