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Clan:Neocron Police Department
About Neocron Police Department (NCPD)
The Neocron Police Department is responsible for maintaining law and order withing the confines of Neocron city. (( The NCPD clan is new player friendly, PvE and PvP Oriented, Roleplay and Anti Ganker clan. We are not GMs and not Neocron Staff. ))
Current Commissioners
- Michael Wolf (COMM)
- None (ACOMM)
Current High Command
- None
Current Department Command
- None
- Patrol
- Special Tactics and Operations/Riot Management (S.T.O.R.M)
(More Departments may come later on.)
Rank Structure
- Commissioner (COMM) [Leader of the entire NCPD.]
- Assistant Commissioner (ACOMM) [Second in Command of the NCPD.]
- Chief (CHF) [In charge of overseeing the NCPD Departments daily activities.]
- Assistant Chief (ACHF) [Second in command of overseeing the NCPD Departments daily activities.]
- Colonel (COL) [Department Heads.]
- Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) [Assistant Department Heads.]
- Commander (CDR)
- Captain (CPT)
- Lieutenant (LT)
- Master Sergeant (MSG)
- Sergeant (SGT)
- Senior Corporal (SCPL)
- Corporal (CPL)
- Senior Officer (SOFC)
- Officer (OFC)
- Cadet (CDT)
Article 1 - Preamble
WE THE CITIZENS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF City Administration, Establish this Concord for the people of Neocron founded in the name of the City Administration. With this Concord, we establish the boundaries to the powers granted to the institutions of the City Administration, for the people of Neocron. We recognize that due to cloning, the role of government is no longer to preserve life, but to preserve humanity; We grant political and economic status to factions so that individuals may leave society to join these factions and wage limited war but, while doing so, they surrender some of their rights as citizens; We learn from the mistakes of our past and preserve the struggle that makes us human AND FOR THESE ENDS to unite our strength to maintain international and interstellar security; to employ international and interstellar machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement everywhere.
Article 2 - Definitions
2.1 President of the City Administration - Appointed by the people of City Administration.
2.2 Chairman of the City Administration Senate- Elected by the Senate to conduct its sessions.
2.3 City Administration Senate – The sole legislative body of Neocron.
2.4 Neocron Supreme Court - Handles all civil appeals, civil grievances and interpretation of law cases presented to it.
2.5 Factions - Civilian groups given political status by the Neocron government to administer its outposts.
2.6 Outpost Warfare - Warfare which resides outside of the boundaries of Earth and does not involve the City Administration agencies.
2.7 Neocron Law: All the Neocron laws are legislated by the City Administration Council, or are edicts issued by the Security Council, and will be enforced by the City Administration Agencies.
2.8 The City Administration: All the cities of Neocron founded through the actions of corporations, clans and factions.
2.9 Neocron Constitution: This document which incorporates the definitions, positions, scope and implementation of the laws and policies of the City Administration, City Administration Council, Cabinet, Neocron citizens and faction members.
2.10 The Election Commission: The agency responsible for conducting and overseeing all political elections.
2.11 Political Parties: Civilian political organizations which represent the will of the people and make up the offices of government.
Article 3 - Office of President
3.1 The President is the public representative of the Security Council and serves as the civilian chair on the Security Council.
Article 3, Sub-Section 1 - City Administration Security Council
3.1.1 The Council consists of the President, the Commissioner of the Neocron Police Department and the General of the Neocron Defense Corps.
3.1.2 The Security Council serves as the highest authority in the City Administration Government.
3.1.3 Is empowered to unilaterally issue warrant on any individual, entity, or organization for an indefinite period of time with majority vote.
3.1.4 To issue declarations of war and the end of such wars with majority vote.
3.1.5 To declare and remove a state of emergency or martial law, by which civil liberties may be suspended for the immediate restoration of stability, with majority vote.
Article 4 - The City Administration Council
4.1 The Senate represents the population of Neocron and is composed of popularly elected, preselected, party candidates which represent the citizens of Neocron. The number of current Senate seats determined by separate Election Commission legislation.
4.2 The Senate shall be required to meet at least three times before the next elections are called, and at least once every month ((RL))
4.3 Unless decided otherwise by the Senate, a quorum of at least one-third of the whole number of the Neocron Senators shall be enough for general business to take place, and its decisions to be legally binding.
4.4 A motion to be voted upon requires another Senator to second it before a vote can be considered.
4.5 Where a session of the Senate involves voting a bill into law, eight days warning ((2 days RL)) is required to be given to all the Senators
4.6 If the event of a tie, the Chairman reserves the tie-breaking vote.
4.7 The Senate shall have the power to regulate commerce among the Neocron administrators; to punish infractions of Neocron Law; to declare war and make rules concerning captures of Outposts; to make rules for the outposts of the wastelands; the Senate shall have power to make and define laws which shall be necessary for the safety of Neocron and the citizens of the outposts.
4.8 Laws can be presented to the Senate by the Cabinet, the Security Council or by any member of the Senate.
4.9 Is empowered to request changes to the internal policies of the Neocron Police Department but must be approved by the leadership of the agency in question or by the executive authority of the Security Council.
4.10 The Senate, after two weeks of continuous fighting, may request the intervention of the Neocron Police Department outpost wars in order to restore order in Neocron. The Senate, at any time, may also request intervention to defend Senate members from hostile forces.
Article 4, Sub-Section I - Chairman of the City Administration Senate
4.1.1 The Chairman of the Senate is elected by majority vote of the City Administration Senate.
4.1.2 The ballot shall be comprised of the names of Senators who have announced their intention to run for office.
4.1.3 The Chairman of the Senate can be removed from office by a vote of no confidence requiring a super majority of three-fourths of the total amount of Senators. If successful, new elections must commence within 2 weeks time ((RL)).
Article 4, Sub-Section II - Duties of the Chairman
4.2.1 Security Oversight: It is the responsibility of the Chairman to ensure security measures by the Agencies are in place for Senate sessions, but not necessarily to directly oversee security, and to ensure that current representative lists are in the hands of the Neocron Agencies providing security.
4.2.2 Administrative Oversight: It is the responsibility of the Chairman to maintain and administrate organization of the Senate. Its bills, votes, attendance and provide accurate Senate session agendas and summaries. Records detailing a meeting and its outcomes must be made public prior to the next session.
4.2.3 Neutrality: The Chairman is required, by law, to act impartially and neutrally unless the Senate or Neocron itself is under threat. This applies both to the political realm and to military conflicts.
Article 4, Sub-Section III - Additional Staff
4.3.1 Secretary: Records attendance, counts votes, and maintains a record of Senate activities.
4.3.2 Commander of the Neocron Guard: Duties are to organize and coordinate Senate session security and is responsible for ensuring the safety of the Senate.
4.3.3 Bailiff: Enforces order within the Senate chambers under the direction of the Chairman. Appointed through a Dominion wide tournament. (Champion of Neocron)
4.3.4 Treasurer: The treasurer position is responsible for the bookkeeping of all expenses and profits. The treasure will also be responsible for disbursing funds when so ordered by the Senate or the President of the City Administration.
Article 4, Sub-Section IV - Expiration of Term
4.4.1 The term of the chairman is considered expired if any of the following applies: permanent death, disappears during term, resigns, Is absent from attending sessions of the Senate without just cause for two consecutive months ((2 weeks RL)), is or accepts an appointment which makes them a ranking member of a faction or agency or is convicted of High Treason, Murder or other crimes that may be defined from time to time by the Senate to be crimes worthy of removal.
Article 5 - Neocron Supreme Court
5.1 Purpose: To give citizens the means to seek redress for wrongs and injustices committed against them by other individual citizens, Neocron government agents, or factions. The Supreme Court also serves to interpret law as it applies to citizens, and other entities, within Neocron.
5.2 Composition: The Court consists of positions filled by both civilian and agency representatives as outlined by Election Commission legislation. Its authority extends solely to the types of cases described within these guidelines. The magistrates are granted the authority to determine the court docket and schedule court dates for the cases they agree to hear. A 2/3 majority would have to agree to hear a case before it could be presented to the court. Magistrates may also choose a Chief Magistrate among them, by majority vote, who will speak for the court in the media and moderate court sessions.
5.3 Legal Rights: Any party arguing before the court is entitled to representation by legal counsel of their choice. An individual, faction, government agent, or entity who is accused of wrongdoing before the court shall be given a presumption of innocence until proven guilty or liable.
5.4 Authority: The court shall have the authority to issue or rescind criminal arrest warrants, impose other forms of compensation, and issue binding legal statements as outlined in the guidelines below. The Neocron Police Department and Neocron Defense Corp shall be responsible for the enforcement of all court orders. The exact details of options available to the court are spelled out in the guidelines below.
5.5 Cases: The following types of cases are eligible for consideration by the Court of Appeals. A 2/3 majority vote is needed to make any decision in a case. Damages lawsuit - A damages lawsuit can be brought against civilians, groups of civilians or civilian factions. In these cases, an individual, group of individual or faction alleges that the defending party has caused damages, including but not limited to financial damages, loss of life or loss of property and other actions that are a violation of Neocron and/or Constituion law. The party bringing the allegations has the burden of proof. The damages must be proven and the defendant must be proven clearly and convincingly guilty in order for the court to reach a guilty verdict and issue punishment. Should a defendant be found guilty of causing damages, the court may take punitive action in the form of Universal or warrants on convicted citizens, groups of citizens or factions of up to 48 days ((14 irl days)) or order the defendant to pay monetary compensation for damages caused. Warrant Appeals - Citizens may also seek to have the time of a non-indefinite warrant reduced by the Court. Evidence of the warranted citizen's guilt or innocence will not be admitted in these proceedings. The only issues that will be allowed to be considered by the court are mitigating factors (put simply, any factors which would seem to reduce the gravity of the crime or display a high likelihood that criminal would not repeat his actions.) However, should a citizen appeal a warrant before the court, the Neocron Police Department may counter-argue for an extension of the warrant and introduce aggravating factors to support their counter-argument. The court may resolve a warrant appeal by adjusting the length of a warrant as it sees fit. Factional Disputes – Factions may bring disputes to the Court for peaceful mediation and resolution. Prior to Mediation proceedings, both factions must agree to abide by the final decision of the Court. Failure to comply with a court ordered resolution can result in City Administration intervention to enforce the court order. Monetary or other material compensation are the generally accepted means of resolving a Factional dispute, however the court may devise more creative resolutions at its' discretion. Abuse of Power Lawsuits - In an Abuse of Power Lawsuit, a citizen is alleging wrongdoing or misuse of an official office by a government official. A NCPD officer or NCDC soldier must have been found guilty and punished in an internal investigation prior to bringing an Abuse of Power lawsuit against them to seek further monetary compensation from the officer or soldier. The court can order monetary or other forms of compensation. Failure to comply with a court order must result in further disciplinary action taken by the NCPD or NCDC against the officer or soldier. Summary determination of legal status - In this type of case, a plaintiff may request that court issue a decision on whether actions taken by civilians, groups of civilians, civilian factions or elected officials are legal or not, and to use its authority to order the defendant to cease said actions on punishment of fines, CA warrant. Legislative Interpretation - In this sort of proceeding, a motion is brought to the court in order to determine the meaning of a legislative document within a certain context. For example, such a case could be whether a section of legislative code applies to an individual or not. These verdicts often set a precedent for future cases.
5.6 Court Proceedings:
At a time selected by the Magistrates, the involved parties and their legal representatives shall appear for a court hearing at a location of the Magistrates' choice. ((All cases -MUST- be tried in-game)) Both sides will have an opportunity to make an Opening Statement outlining their claims in the case. The Plaintiff will have an opportunity to call any witnesses or present any evidence/witness statements that they have to advance their case. The Defendant will then have an opportunity to present witnesses, statements, or evidence in their defense. Both sides will then have an opportunity to make final arguments to the Magistrates. The Magistrates will deliberate and then vote. A 2/3 majority is required to make any decision.
Article 6 – City Administration Agencies
6.1 The NCPD and NCDC are agencies of Neocron and serve it. They are the defenders of this Constitution.
6.2 The NCPD and NCDC must follow all orders, and prescribed policies of the Security Council and the Senate except any orders that are contrary to law. Any edicts of the above parties, in addition to those already approved by the government, will be enforced by the City Administration agencies immediately. In the event that the City Administration agencies consider the above parties orders to be contrary to law, they must submit their case to the Neocron Supreme Court and carry on enforcing the law in question until the case is decided.
6.3 The NCPD and NCDC enforce Neocron Laws, executive orders of the Security Council, the Senate and may enforce local (factional) policies on designated federal territories.
6.4 The NCPD and NCDC are authorized to keep warrant lists of people, persons, groups or factions which are viewed as threats to the security of Neocron and/or in breach of Neocron law. The details of the warrant are at the discretion of the High Command of the agencies.
Article 6 – Sub-Section I - Authorized Actions by City Administration Agencies
To empower the Neocron government to defend its sovereignty and its people should a situation arise that threatens the Security of Neocron and its citizens we define three levels of permitted actions by City Administration Agencies.
6.1.1 Level 1 - Permanent The NCDC has jurisdiction to enforce Neocron Law as stated in Article 6.2.1 and 6.2.2. Note on assisting NCPD officers during level 1 intervention: NCDC will assist NCPD officers who are attacked for no reason. If NCPD officers attempt a non-lethal escort or enforce a publicly posted warrant on a subject, and the subject resists, the NCDC will assist the NCPD. Should NCPD officers lethal fire on a subject within Federal Territories first, without a warrant, they can request NCDC assistance but it is not guaranteed. Notes on NCDC soldiers during level 1 intervention: NCDC may request minor NCPD assistance for off-neocron intervention should their manpower be low. NCDC may assist NCPD at Neocron unless otherwise stated by NCPD High Command. NCDC may assist NCPD in Neocron unless otherwise stated by the President. NCPD may assist NCDC with the defense of military installations (such as the outposts) upon the request of NCDC High Command.
6.1.2 Level 2 - State of Emergency A State of Emergency may be declared by a.) majority vote of the Security Council or b.) a majority vote of the Senate with the approval of the Commissioner. State of Emergency must be publicly and jointly declared by the High Command of the NCDC and the NCPD. State of Emergency must last a minimum of 4 days ((24 hours RL)). Following 12 days ((72 hours RL)) if the SoE shows no effect, a meeting to decide whether to increase to Level 3 (Martial Law) must be called within 4 days ((24 hours RL)) and the decision made to either upgrade to Level 3 or extend the SoE for another period of time. If those 4 days ((24 hours RL)) pass without a decision being made then the SoE automatically downgrades to Level 1 status again. The Security Council may agree to end the State of Emergency prematurely. Each faction will follow its own Chain of Command; with orders coordinated between the High Command of FDC and the LED. The NCPD will supply the NCDC with its current EoS / KoS list The NCDC's Soldiers will use Lethal force to enforce Neocron Laws during a State of Emergency. NCDC are not required to assist the NCPD in making escorts and will not terminate a target that is being escorted. Exception: If the suspect opens fire with lethal fire, both the NCDC and NCPD are authorized to respond with lethal force.
6.1.3 Level 3 - Martial Law Martial Law may be declared by a.) majority vote of the Security Council or b.) a majority vote of the Senate with the approval of the General. Lethal force will be employed during Martial Law to remove threats to Neocron and restore peace. Discretion is given to the NCDC High Command to determine these threats which will be specified in the Martial Law declaration. During Martial Law, NCDC has supreme jurisdiction in the area. Contracted security forces (NCPD in Neocron, outpost owner in wasteland and hired mercenaries) are subject to NCDC command. During Martial Law, the NCDC High Command may temporarily create and abolish rules as necessary for the duration of the Martial Law. Classification of threats and discretion in the application of this article is under the jurisdiction of NCDC High Command and the designated active area commander. The authority given under this Act may be defined on any zone within any world or station within the borders of Neocron. Outposts administered by factions that regularly disrupt the peace on Neocron territories will be subject to crackdowns by the City Administration Agencies Once employed, Martial Law may only be lifted by majority vote of the Security Council.
Article 6, Sub-Section II – The Neocron Defense Corps
6.2.1 The NCDC is a part of the City Administration’s Armed Forces specifically designated to deal with outpost matters and the factions. As a military unit, it is not subject to civilian law but is instead subject to military law as specified by the General. Note: Soldiers who obtain a Most Wanted status are subject to civilian enforcement.
6.2.2 To provide necessary forces and capabilities for the defense of this constitution and the Neocron government from invasion, insurrection, rebellion, and all threats to this Federation.
6.2.3 Shall be commanded on a day-to-day basis by the General of the Neocron Defense Corps.
Article 6, Sub-Section III – The Neocron Police Department
6.3.1 The NCPD represents the highest form of civilian law enforcement in the City Administration. It is tasked with ensuring that civilians within Neocron abide by the laws enacted by the Neocron Government.
6.3.2 To provide necessary forces and capabilities for the enforcement of all laws passed by the City Administration Senate.
6.3.3 Shall be commanded on a day-to-day basis by the Commissioner of the Neocron Police Department (NCPD).
Article 6, Sub-Section IV – Neocron Facilities
6.4.1 Neocron Civilian Law Enforcement Facilities, including but not limited to Neocron City Sectors, are facilities that are essential to Civilian Law Enforcement. Civilian Law Enforcement Facilities fall under Neocron Police Department jurisdiction. The Neocron Police Department has the discretion to lock down these facilities for the public and deny access to them to specific persons.
6.4.2 Neocron Military Facilities , including but not limited to the wasteland outposts, are facilities that are essential to the military security of Neocron. They fall under Neocron Defense Corps jurisdiction. All civilians must obtain permission to enter them prior to boarding. All persons who violate access will be removed by any means necessary.
6.4.3 All hostile actions and unauthorized presence of organized groups of a faction will be considered hostile intrusions. Hostile intrusions into City Administration Facilities will be answered with retaliatory actions by either or both City Administration Agencies.
6.4.4 The majority vote of the Security Council or the Senate may designate any building, compound, area or outpost as either a Neocron Civil Law Enforcement Facility or a Neocron Military Facility, for any amount of time and have the authority to revoke said status.
Article 7 – Neocron Civilian Factions
7.1 The Neocron civilian factions shall have authority to administer all outposts and cities, within the territory of Neocron, with the exception of such territories that are requisite to insure the security and stability of the Federation as deemed by the Security Council or the City Administration Senate.
7.2 The recognized factions are: NExT - NExT Biotech Systems - BT ProtoPharm - PP Tangent Technologies - TT Diamond Real Estate - DRE Twilight Guardian - TG Fallen Angels - TG Brotherhood of Crahn - Crahn Black Dragon - BD Tsunami Syndicate - TSU
7.3 The City Administration Senate and Security Council, via majority vote, has the power to grant or revoke faction status.
7.4 The City Administration recognizes the ever changing dynamics of outpost control within the wasteland and the benefits that these locations offer to the faction controlling it. The faction that has the greatest military activity on a outpost location in any cycle will have proven their right to administrate that colony in the following cycle period. Designated military installations are excluded from this act and will be administered by the City Administration agencies. Any campaign waged on these locations will be considered an act of war.
7.5 Each recognized faction may set laws on outposts under their administration as long as they do not interfere with Neocron Law or the performance of City Administration Agencies in the enforcement of law. Such laws will not be enforced by City Administration agencies but by a faction’s own security force. However, factions may request agency enforcement of any laws they establish.
7.6 To be recognized as a recognized faction, and to exercise the powers accorded within this Constitution, such factions must not be declared an enemy of the Federation.
Article 8 – Amendments
8.1 The City Administration Senate, when two-thirds deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constituion and, after obtaining the signatures of the Security Council membership, shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of this Constitution and Neocron Law.
Article 9 – Federal Power
9.1 This Constitution, and the Laws of Neocron which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of Neocron, shall be the supreme Law of the Land;
9.2 The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several factions, and all executive officers, both of Neocron and of the several factions, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution.
Article 10 - Bill of Rights
10.1 These rights are hereby established for the protection and preservation of the freedoms and liberties at the essence and foundation of humanity and of this Federation.
Article 10, Sub-Section I – Rights and Responsibilities
10.1.1 The Senate shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 10.1.2 A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free Neocron, the right of the People to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. 10.1.3 Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on faction, color, sex, sexuality, age, or mental or physical disability. This does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are at risk of disadvantage because of faction, color, sex, sexuality, age, or mental or physical disability. 10.1.4 The right of the people to be secure in their persons, homes, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the individual, faction, and place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized, escorted, or engaged with lethal intent. 10.1.5 The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. 10.1.6 The powers not delegated to Neocron by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the Factions, are reserved to the Factions respectively, or to the people.
Article 11 - Footnotes
2757- The Neocron Constituion - created by Neocron Security Council establish the role of the NCDC and NCPD, as well the government.
Domestic Neocron Law
To be enforced in Neocron and City Administraion administrated outposts.
1.Holster law
1.1. The brandishing of any weapon (Medical excluded) in a public area. (I)
1.2. The discharge of any weapon (Medical excluded) in a public place. (F)
2.1. Brandishing a weapon in any manner which causes a civilian to feel threatened. (M)
2.2. Use of a weapon in order to "strong arm" someone into participating in any act against their will. (F)
2.3. Brandishing a weapon in any manner which is intended to threaten Neocron Personnel. (F)
3. Battery
3.1. Violent contact made with a lethal weapon (F)
3.2. Violent contact made with a lethal weapon directed at Neocron Personnel. (F)
4.Lockdown/Martial Law
4.1. Trespassing in an area under Lockdown/Martial Law (F)
4.2. Failure to comply with orders of Neocron Personnel, or engaging in any unlawful activity. (F)
5.Outpost Facility
5.1. Trespassing in the secure area of the Outpost. (F)
5.2. Failure to comply with orders of Personnel, or engaging in any unlawful activity. (F)
6.1. Conspiracy to commit terrorist attacks against Neocron personnel and facilities (F)
6.2. Committing terrorist attacks against Neocron personnel and facilities (F)
7. Disorderly Conduct
7.1. Any verbal or physical act that results in a disturbance of peace. (M)
7.2. Any verbal or physical act that results in a disturbance of peace directed at Neocron personnel. (F)
8.Obstruction of Justice
8.1. Any unintentional act that interferes with the operation of Neocron personnel. (M)
8.2. Any intentional act that aims to prevent or prevents Neocron Personnel from performing their duties. (F)
Infractions(I): Person will be warned to discontinue the behavior. Multiple infractions or infractions in combination with a misdemeanor or felony will result in an escort or lethal force at officer discretion.
Misdemeanors(M): Person will be subject to discretionary forcible escort, removal from premises or lethal force. It will be up to the individual Officer how best to remedy the situation. This type of offense carries a low punishment, UNLESS the officer has a type 2 section 4 self-infliction notice.
Felonies(F): Person will be subject to immediate forcible lethal force. This type of offense carries a high punishment.
Civilian: Faction member who is not a member of a City Administration Agency
Repeat Offense: All offenses are cumulative; A civilian breaking a law repeatedly will be fined for each time they do so.
NCPD Website
Report a Crime, or Complaint for a NCPD Officer