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EpicGuide:Fallen Angels

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Fallen Angels Epic Guide

Mission 1 - Required Rank: */10

You have been given the task meet one of the researchers with the name of Grimm. (If you are stuck at any point just speak to one of the NPCs again, they will most of the time be able to tell you your next task.) Both Grimm and Constantine are located at the Tech Core.

  • Talk to a Fallen Angels Personnel Director in the Fallen Angels Tech Core to start the mission he will give you some Documents
  • Talk to Grimm who will take the Documents
  • Talk to Constantine who will happily talk to your about the technology and history of Fallen Angels.
  • Talk to Grimm again.
  • Return to the Fallen Angels Personnel Director in the Fallen Angels Tech Core to complete this mission.

Mission Rewards

Mission 2 - Trip to ProtoPharm - Required Rank: */20

Rick Boujard, hanging around El Farid Village
Rick Boujard inside El Farid building

You were given a research project. But since it is just starting of you still need more material. A necessary chemical is available from the ProtoPharm Lab in Neocron. Rick Boujard can be found in El Farid Village in J_10.

Mission Rewards

Mission 3 - Required Rank: */30

Mission Rewards

Mission 4 - Required Rank: */35


Mission Rewards

Mission 5 - Required Rank: */40

Mission Rewards

Mission 6 - Required Rank: */45

For this mission, carry with you: You can choose to make either a Field Dampener or a Gene Sequencer.

  1. For the Field Dampener you will need 1 x Heavy Deflector Belt (TL 88) Blueprint, 1 x Vehicle Energy Pack (TL 81) Blueprint


  1. For the Gene Sequencer you will need 1 x Construction Chip 2 (TL 46) Blueprint and 1 x Vehicle Energy Pack (TL 81) Blueprint.

  • Bring both BPs back to Grimm and you should receive a 1-time use TL30 BP for a Field Dampener or Gene Sequencer. Both BP's require 1 Meritium + 1 Arillium.
  • Get the BP Constructed.
  • Take the Field Dampener or the Gene Sequencer to the Fallen Angels Personnel Director to complete the Epic Run.

Mission Rewards