Juggernaut Crossbow Mission

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Requirement to start is a base rank of 55. This is without the rank obtained by the enhancements of implants.

Mission 1

  • Talk to Devlin Jones in the Twister Club in I 09 to start the first mission.
  • Devlin wants you to talk to Juri Netshajev who is at the crossroads in this zone
  • Juri wants you to get 15 Advanced Autonome Gyroscope System v 0.1.9, from the Juggernaut Facility. The Juggernaut Facility is in the SE corner of the map. The Juggernauts that drop the mission items are the 100/100 bots, to get to their room, keep entering the doors on the right (or go straight if there is no door on the right
  • When you have farmed the 15 parts, talk to Juri again.
  • Talk to Devlin again
  • Devlin wants you to go to Joan Morrison, who is at the entrance to the Juggernaut Facility
  • Joan wants you to get the diary off her sisters corpse, which is inside the Juggernaut Facility, in the 100/100 room
  • Talk to Joan again and then to Devlin
  • Devlin asks you to go to Tech Haven and talk to Ginger.
  • When talking to Ginger, who is near the medicare in Tech Haven, pretend not to be sent by Devlin.
  • Return to Devlin to finish the mission.

Mission 2

  • Talk to Devlin Jones in the Twister Club in I 09 to start the second mission.
  • Devlin wants two 'Electronical Triggerdevice v 0.1.1,' three 'Subliminal Targeting System v 0.2.5,' and one 'Advanced Autonome Gyroscope System v 0.1.9.'
  • Talk to Devlin again. You will give the parts away at this point and receive the password for the database, do not cancel speech at this point or you will give away any extra parts you have. Follow speech all the way to the end.
  • Go to the Gaia Mine in F 13. You want to go to the second level door, turn left and take the first door on the 'outside' wall. This will lead to a dead end where a terminal will be. It is possible that a few 120/120 mobs will be there. Remember the password is Je34kkE and you need 1 Empty Datacube. Select the right password and then scroll down to select the ion weapon.
  • Go talk to Devlin again, he will direct you to talk to Tinkerbell. She is located in Tech haven 1 next to some tool/chemical/parts vendors. She will ask you to wait for 10 minutes while she constructs the weapon.... yes, you need to wait for 5-10 real minutes.
  • Go back to Devlin again to choose either the pistol or rifle variant of the weapon. Slots and stats will now be given to the weapon.

Mission Rewards

Juggernaut Crossbow Pistol

Juggernaut Crossbow Pistol

Juggernaut Crossbow Rifle

Juggernaut Crossbow Rifle