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Talk:EpicGuide:Tangent Technologies

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--[admin] Logan Ford • (talk) 13:56, 10 June 2008 (BST)Taken me a bit longer to level an epic char due to my crap connection but enough about my issues lol (Yes Flib , that's why i haven't been in the shop!) I will finish of the last mission tonight and that will complete the runthrough for this epicAdmin-avatar.png Logan Ford  (t)  (c)10:38, 9 April 2008 (BST)


Completed run through - up to date --[admin] Logan Ford • (talk)21:18, 30 April 2008 (BST)

Page layout

What browser you using Logan? As the NPC pics are all squashed in Firefox 2, but looks ok in IE6, if the page is a little wide. I've not got IE7 to hand atm --Brammers 14:03, 1 May 2008 (BST)

  • This page has the same as the next epic used to have, why not use the image:|thumb tags? the page looks like this:


  • Also, why are all the table thingies in there, just use <br clear='all'>, if you look at the next epic, i cleaned up all the strange tags so now there's only the br tags.
  • This page is screwed up in IE6 as well, shudn't be next to each other as they are squashing the text.

Thumb Images

Ok the Tables were devised to lay the thumbs across the bottom of the section, keeping the article concise. With the thumb image they all layer one on top of each other to the right leaving a large blank void on theleft of the page. I use three seperate computers 2 with Firefox and one here at work with ie and all of them don't have the issue you screened. However if your experiencing this issue others may also be but i am no techie so Bram and Delphi will have to figure this one. However changing all the formats back again to suit is not a "fix" i still feel displaying all the thumbs in a line down the right of the page is a waste of space and makes for scrolling to find the relevant picture if it drops of the bottom.--[admin] Logan Ford • (talk) 13:31, 10 June 2008 (BST) TT.jpg

You have a very large resolution, on the most common screen resolution 1024, the images push away a lot of the text, maybe put the on a separate line if that is possible? But I agree it might seem better to put them beneath or above the section, as there is a lot of whitespace at certain points. Btw, it was not my intention to put your style away, I just saw a bug, and thought I had fixed it, sorry if this is not my place.. --Biglines 13:42, 10 June 2008 (BST)

Right thanks guy for the screenshots. I can replicate the issue.

Firefox - if you have the browser maximised in 1280x1024, the page is fine. If you reduce the width of the browser window to about less that 1024, the squashing occours.

Time for me and Delphi to dig around to fix the issue, quick question Logan, what version of Firefox and OS are you on?

Also I know we are talking about standardising the layout of the mission guides, which hasn't been officially aggreed on yet, but until then it's best to stick to the current format - ie, all images in a line, like in the TT epic. --Brammers 13:53, 10 June 2008 (BST)

Latest version of Firfox and Vista on my main machine i used to do jones missions etc. was Delphi who devised the table format for me :p, Set the template wizard to work!! Right thats lunch over so until tonight.--[admin] Logan Ford • (talk) 13:56, 10 June 2008 (BST)

Right - I think I have a solution - please see User_talk:Brammers/Sandbox, but I need to check with Delphi first that it's a good solution. --Brammers 14:22, 10 June 2008 (BST)

still looks bad at normal resolution: Ttnew.jpg --Biglines 15:36, 10 June 2008 (BST)

Ok the template fix has been applied. The issue with having 4 images accross a page, will be addressed as part of the article policy for missions. --Brammers 14:09, 11 June 2008 (BST)